Sue-Ming Yang
Cited by
Cited by
The criminology of place: Street segments and our understanding of the crime problem
D Weisburd, ER Groff, SM Yang
Oxford University Press, 2012
Trajectories of crime at places: A longitudinal study of street segments in the city of Seattle
D Weisburd, S Bushway, C Lum, SM Yang
Criminology 42 (2), 283-322, 2004
Is it important to examine crime trends at a local “micro” level?: A longitudinal analysis of street to street variability in crime trajectories
ER Groff, D Weisburd, SM Yang
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 26, 7-32, 2010
Place Matters
D Weisburd, B Cave
Understanding and controlling hot spots of crime: The importance of formal and informal social controls
D Weisburd, ER Groff, SM Yang
Prevention science 15, 31-43, 2014
Do stop, question, and frisk practices deter crime? Evidence at microunits of space and time
D Weisburd, A Wooditch, S Weisburd, SM Yang
Criminology & public policy 15 (1), 31-56, 2016
Trajectories of terrorism: Attack patterns of foreign groups that have targeted the United States, 1970–2004
G LaFree, SM Yang, M Crenshaw
Criminology & Public Policy 8 (3), 445-473, 2009
A new look into broken windows: What shapes individuals’ perceptions of social disorder?
JC Hinkle, SM Yang
Journal of criminal justice 42 (1), 26-35, 2014
When can we Conclude that Treatments or Programs “Don’t Work”?
D Weisburd, CM Lum, SM Yang
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 587 (1 …, 2003
Assessing the spatial–temporal relationship between disorder and violence
SM Yang
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 26, 139-163, 2010
Why do evaluation researchers in crime and justice choose non-experimental methods
C Lum, SM Yang
Journal of Experimental Criminology 1 (2), 191-213, 2005
The importance of both opportunity and social disorganization theory in a future research agenda to advance criminological theory and crime prevention at places
D Weisburd, ER Groff, SM Yang
Journal of research in crime and delinquency 51 (4), 499-508, 2014
The Importance of Place in Policing: Empirical Evidence and Policy Recommendations
D Weisburd, C Telep, AA Braga, ER Groff, JC Hinkle, NA Morris, C Lum, ..., 2010
The importance of place in policing: Empirical evidence and policy recommendations
D Weisburd, C Telep, ...
Brottsförebyggande rådet (BRÅ), 2010
The Dallas patrol management experiment: can AVL technologies be used to harness unallocated patrol time for crime prevention?
D Weisburd, ER Groff, G Jones, B Cave, KL Amendola, SM Yang, ...
Journal of experimental criminology 11, 367-391, 2015
Exploring police response to mental health calls in a nonurban area: A case study of Roanoke County, Virginia
SM Yang, C Gill, LC Kanewske, PS Thompson
Victims & Offenders 13 (8), 1132-1152, 2018
Do we “see” the same thing? An experimental look into the black box of disorder perception
SM Yang, CC Pao
Journal of research in crime and delinquency 52 (4), 534-566, 2015
The criminal careers of places: A longitudinal study
D Weisburd, C Lum, SM Yang
University of Maryland, 2004
Perceptions of safety and victimization: does survey construction affect perceptions?
SM Yang, LA Wyckoff
Journal of Experimental Criminology 6, 293-323, 2010
Issues in survey design: Using surveys of victimization and fear of crime as examples
SM Yang, JC Hinkle
Handbook of survey methodology for the social sciences, 443-462, 2012
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Articles 1–20