Fengshan Liu
Fengshan Liu
Metrology Research Centre, National Research Council Canada
在 nrc-cnrc.gc.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
The chemical effects of carbon dioxide as an additive in an ethylene diffusion flame: implications for soot and NOx formation
F Liu, H Guo, GJ Smallwood, ÖL Gülder
Combustion and flame 125 (1-2), 778-787, 2001
The chemical effect of CO2 replacement of N2 in air on the burning velocity of CH4 and H2 premixed flames
F Liu, H Guo, GJ Smallwood
Combustion and flame 133 (4), 495-497, 2003
On the extinction limit and flammability limit of non-adiabatic stretched methane–air premixed flames
Y Ju, H Guo, K Maruta, F Liu
Journal of fluid mechanics 342, 315-334, 1997
Determination of the soot absorption function and thermal accommodation coefficient using low-fluence LII in a laminar coflow ethylene diffusion flame
DR Snelling, F Liu, GJ Smallwood, ÖL Gülder
Combustion and flame 136 (1-2), 180-190, 2004
A calibration-independent laser-induced incandescence technique for soot measurement by detecting absolute light intensity
DR Snelling, GJ Smallwood, F Liu, ÖL Gülder, WD Bachalo
Applied optics 44 (31), 6773-6785, 2005
Modeling laser-induced incandescence of soot: a summary and comparison of LII models
HA Michelsen, F Liu, BF Kock, H Bladh, A Boiarciuc, M Charwath, T Dreier, ...
Applied physics B 87, 503-521, 2007
The effect of hydrogen addition on flammability limit and NOx emission in ultra-lean counterflow CH4/air premixed flames
H Guo, GJ Smallwood, F Liu, Y Ju, ÖL Gülder
Proceedings of the combustion institute 30 (1), 303-311, 2005
Numerical study on the influence of hydrogen addition on soot formation in a laminar ethylene–air diffusion flame
H Guo, F Liu, GJ Smallwood, ÖL Gülder
Combustion and Flame 145 (1-2), 324-338, 2006
Heat conduction from a spherical nano-particle: status of modeling heat conduction in laser-induced incandescence
F Liu, KJ Daun, DR Snelling, GJ Smallwood
Applied physics B 83, 355-382, 2006
Studies of radiation absorption on flame speed and flammability limit of CO2 diluted methane flames at elevated pressures
Z Chen, X Qin, B Xu, Y Ju, F Liu
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31 (2), 2693-2700, 2007
CoFlame: A refined and validated numerical algorithm for modeling sooting laminar coflow diffusion flames
NA Eaves, Q Zhang, F Liu, H Guo, SB Dworkin, MJ Thomson
Computer Physics Communications 207, 464-477, 2016
Deconvolution of axisymmetric flame properties using Tikhonov regularization
KJ Daun, KA Thomson, F Liu, GJ Smallwood
Applied optics 45 (19), 4638-4646, 2006
An assessment of real-gas modelling in 2D enclosures
V Goutiere, F Liu, A Charette
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 64 (3), 299-326, 2000
Effects of gas and soot radiation on soot formation in a coflow laminar ethylene diffusion flame
H Guo, OL Gulder
RADIATION III. ICHMT Third International Symposium on Radiative Transfer, 2001
Fractal dimensions and mixing structures of soot particles during atmospheric processing
Y Wang, F Liu, C He, L Bi, T Cheng, Z Wang, H Zhang, X Zhang, Z Shi, ...
Environmental Science & Technology Letters 4 (11), 487-493, 2017
Numerical modelling of soot formation and oxidation in laminar coflow non-smoking and smoking ethylene diffusion flames
F Liu, H Guo, GJ Smallwood, ÖL Gülder
Combustion Theory and Modelling 7 (2), 301, 2003
Modeling of soot aggregate formation and size distribution in a laminar ethylene/air coflow diffusion flame with detailed PAH chemistry and an advanced sectional aerosol …
Q Zhang, H Guo, F Liu, GJ Smallwood, MJ Thomson
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (1), 761-768, 2009
Effects of radiation model on the modeling of a laminar coflow methane/air diffusion flame
F Liu, H Guo, GJ Smallwood
Combustion and Flame 138 (1-2), 136-154, 2004
Calculations of gas thermal radiation transfer in one-dimensional planar enclosure using LBL and SNB models
H Chu, F Liu, H Zhou
International Journal of Heat and mass transfer 54 (21-22), 4736-4745, 2011
Radiation extinction limit of counterflow premixed lean methane-air flames
H Guo, Y Ju, K Maruta, T Niioka, F Liu
Combustion and Flame 109 (4), 639-646, 1997
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