Monique Stinson
Monique Stinson
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
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Cited by
Commuter bicyclist route choice: Analysis using a stated preference survey
MA Stinson, CR Bhat
Transportation research record 1828 (1), 107-115, 2003
Frequency of bicycle commuting: internet-based survey analysis
MA Stinson, CR Bhat
Transportation Research Record 1878 (1), 122-130, 2004
A comparison of the route preferences of experienced and inexperienced bicycle commuters
MA Stinson, CR Bhat
TRB 84th annual meeting compendium of papers, 2005
A multi-scale agent-based modelling framework for urban freight distribution
A Alho, BK Bhavathrathan, M Stinson, R Gopalakrishnan, DT Le, ...
Transportation Research Procedia 27, 188-196, 2017
A joint model of mode and shipment size choice using the first generation of Commodity Flow Survey Public Use Microdata
M Stinson, Z Pourabdollahi, V Livshits, K Jeon, S Nippani, H Zhu
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 6 (4), 330-343, 2017
Citywide impacts of E-commerce: Does parcel delivery travel outweigh household shopping travel reductions?
M Stinson, A Enam, A Moore, J Auld
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM/EIGSCC Symposium on Smart Cities and Communities, 1-7, 2019
A large-scale, agent-based simulation of metropolitan freight movements with passenger and freight market interactions
M Stinson, J Auld, AK Mohammadian
Procedia Computer Science 170, 771-778, 2020
Agent-based dynamic traffic assignment with information mixing
J Auld, O Verbas, M Stinson
Procedia Computer Science 151, 864-869, 2019
Exploring the mobility and energy implications of shared versus private autonomous vehicles
JA Auld, F de Souza, A Enam, M Javanmardi, M Stinson, O Verbas, ...
2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 1691-1696, 2019
Time-constrained capacitated vehicle routing problem in urban e-commerce delivery
T Cokyasar, A Subramanyam, J Larson, M Stinson, O Sahin
Transportation Research Record 2677 (2), 190-203, 2023
Introducing CRISTAL: A model of collaborative, informed, strategic trade agents with logistics
M Stinson, AK Mohammadian
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 13, 100539, 2022
Modeling the impacts of bicycle facilities on work and recreational bike trips in Los Angeles County, California
MA Stinson, CD Porter, KE Proussaloglou, R Calix, C Chu
Transportation Research Record 2468 (1), 84-91, 2014
Joint routing of conventional and range-extended electric vehicles in a large metropolitan network
A Subramanyam, T Cokyasar, J Larson, M Stinson
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 144, 103830, 2022
An analysis of the frequency of bicycle commuting using an Internet based survey
MA Stinson, C Bhat
Transportation research record: Journal of the transportation research board …, 2004
Next‐Generation Commodity Flow Survey: A Pilot in Singapore
L Cheah, F Zhao, M Stinson, F Lu, J Ding‐Mastera, V Marzano, ...
City Logistics 2: Modeling and Planning Initiatives, 117-130, 2018
A real-time energy and cost efficient vehicle route assignment neural recommender system
A Moawad, Z Li, I Pancorbo, KM Gurumurthy, V Freyermuth, E Islam, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 263, 125634, 2025
Light duty vehicle choice models examining alternative fuel technology preferences among commercial fleet owners
M Stinson, J Auld, AK Mohammadian
Transportation Research Procedia 46, 309-316, 2020
Vehicle ownership models for a sharing economy with autonomous vehicle considerations
M Stinson, B Zou, D Briones, A Manjarrez, A Mohammadian
Transportation Letters 15 (1), 1-17, 2023
Combining GPS data collection with assisted machine learning to enhance freight vehicle and driver surveys: Methodology and demonstration
J Ding-Mastera, P Jing, M Stinson, E Manzi, F Zhao, V Marzano, L Cheah, ...
Transportation Research Board 97th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2018
A working demonstration of a mesoscale freight Model for the Chicago Region
MS Urban, DF Beagan, MJ Fischer
4th Transportation Research Board Conference on Innovations in Travel …, 2012
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