Levy, Paul E.
Levy, Paul E.
Vice President and Chief of Staff, The University of Akron
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Cited by
The social context of performance appraisal: A review and framework for the future
PE Levy, JR Williams
Journal of management 30 (6), 881-905, 2004
The development and validation of a new Machiavellianism scale
JJ Dahling, BG Whitaker, PE Levy
Journal of management 35 (2), 219-257, 2009
The relationship between perceptions of organizational politics and employee attitudes, strain, and behavior: A meta-analytic examination
CH Chang, CC Rosen, PE Levy
Academy of Management journal 52 (4), 779-801, 2009
The feedback environment scale: Construct definition, measurement, and validation
LA Steelman, PE Levy, AF Snell
Educational and psychological measurement 64 (1), 165-184, 2004
Participation in the performance appraisal process and employee reactions: A meta-analytic review of field investigations.
BD Cawley, LM Keeping, PE Levy
Journal of applied psychology 83 (4), 615, 1998
Performance appraisal reactions: Measurement, modeling, and method bias.
LM Keeping, PE Levy
Journal of applied psychology 85 (5), 708, 2000
Proactive personality and the successful job search: a field investigation with college graduates.
DJ Brown, RT Cober, K Kane, PE Levy, J Shalhoop
Journal of applied psychology 91 (3), 717, 2006
Industrial/organizational psychology
P Levy
Macmillan, 2009
Placing perceptions of politics in the context of the feedback environment, employee attitudes, and job performance.
CC Rosen, PE Levy, RJ Hall
Journal of applied psychology 91 (1), 211, 2006
A predictive study of emotional labor and turnover
SL Chau, JJ Dahling, PE Levy, JM Diefendorff
Journal of organizational Behavior 30 (8), 1151-1163, 2009
The development and validation of the Feedback Orientation Scale (FOS)
BA Linderbaum, PE Levy
Journal of management 36 (6), 1372-1405, 2010
The development of a feedback environment and role clarity model of job performance
BG Whitaker, JJ Dahling, P Levy
Journal of Management 33 (4), 570-591, 2007
Recruitment on the net: How do organizational web site characteristics influence applicant attraction?
RT Cober, DJ Brown, LM Keeping, PE Levy
Journal of management 30 (5), 623-646, 2004
Organizational web sites: Web site content and style as determinants of organizational attraction
RT Cober, DJ Brown, PE Levy, AB Cober, LM Keeping
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 11 (2‐3), 158-169, 2003
The role of leader-member exchange in the performance appraisal process
JD Elicker, PE Levy, RJ Hall
Journal of Management 32 (4), 531-551, 2006
Getting to the core of core self‐evaluation: a review and recommendations
RE Johnson, CC Rosen, PE Levy
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2008
Moving from cognition to action: A control theory perspective
RG Lord, PE Levy
Applied psychology 43 (3), 335-367, 1994
Putting the System Into Performance Management Systems: A Review and Agenda for Performance Management Research
DJ Schleicher, HM Baumann, DW Sullivan, PE Levy, DC Hargrove, ...
Journal of management 44 (6), 2209-2245, 2018
Situational and individual determinants of feedback seeking: A closer look at the process
PE Levy, MD Albright, BD Cawley, JR Williams
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 62 (1), 23-37, 1995
The mediating role of affective commitment in the relation of the feedback environment to work outcomes
C Norris-Watts, PE Levy
Journal of vocational behavior 65 (3), 351-365, 2004
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Articles 1–20