The social context of performance appraisal: A review and framework for the future PE Levy, JR Williams Journal of management 30 (6), 881-905, 2004 | 1418 | 2004 |
The development and validation of a new Machiavellianism scale JJ Dahling, BG Whitaker, PE Levy Journal of management 35 (2), 219-257, 2009 | 1220 | 2009 |
The relationship between perceptions of organizational politics and employee attitudes, strain, and behavior: A meta-analytic examination CH Chang, CC Rosen, PE Levy Academy of Management journal 52 (4), 779-801, 2009 | 985 | 2009 |
The feedback environment scale: Construct definition, measurement, and validation LA Steelman, PE Levy, AF Snell Educational and psychological measurement 64 (1), 165-184, 2004 | 867 | 2004 |
Participation in the performance appraisal process and employee reactions: A meta-analytic review of field investigations. BD Cawley, LM Keeping, PE Levy Journal of applied psychology 83 (4), 615, 1998 | 810 | 1998 |
Performance appraisal reactions: Measurement, modeling, and method bias. LM Keeping, PE Levy Journal of applied psychology 85 (5), 708, 2000 | 661 | 2000 |
Proactive personality and the successful job search: a field investigation with college graduates. DJ Brown, RT Cober, K Kane, PE Levy, J Shalhoop Journal of applied psychology 91 (3), 717, 2006 | 630 | 2006 |
Industrial/organizational psychology P Levy Macmillan, 2009 | 571 | 2009 |
Placing perceptions of politics in the context of the feedback environment, employee attitudes, and job performance. CC Rosen, PE Levy, RJ Hall Journal of applied psychology 91 (1), 211, 2006 | 558 | 2006 |
A predictive study of emotional labor and turnover SL Chau, JJ Dahling, PE Levy, JM Diefendorff Journal of organizational Behavior 30 (8), 1151-1163, 2009 | 484 | 2009 |
The development and validation of the Feedback Orientation Scale (FOS) BA Linderbaum, PE Levy Journal of management 36 (6), 1372-1405, 2010 | 446 | 2010 |
The development of a feedback environment and role clarity model of job performance BG Whitaker, JJ Dahling, P Levy Journal of Management 33 (4), 570-591, 2007 | 409 | 2007 |
Recruitment on the net: How do organizational web site characteristics influence applicant attraction? RT Cober, DJ Brown, LM Keeping, PE Levy Journal of management 30 (5), 623-646, 2004 | 397 | 2004 |
Organizational web sites: Web site content and style as determinants of organizational attraction RT Cober, DJ Brown, PE Levy, AB Cober, LM Keeping International Journal of Selection and Assessment 11 (2‐3), 158-169, 2003 | 390 | 2003 |
The role of leader-member exchange in the performance appraisal process JD Elicker, PE Levy, RJ Hall Journal of Management 32 (4), 531-551, 2006 | 371 | 2006 |
Getting to the core of core self‐evaluation: a review and recommendations RE Johnson, CC Rosen, PE Levy Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2008 | 340 | 2008 |
Moving from cognition to action: A control theory perspective RG Lord, PE Levy Applied psychology 43 (3), 335-367, 1994 | 333 | 1994 |
Putting the System Into Performance Management Systems: A Review and Agenda for Performance Management Research DJ Schleicher, HM Baumann, DW Sullivan, PE Levy, DC Hargrove, ... Journal of management 44 (6), 2209-2245, 2018 | 306 | 2018 |
Situational and individual determinants of feedback seeking: A closer look at the process PE Levy, MD Albright, BD Cawley, JR Williams Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 62 (1), 23-37, 1995 | 305 | 1995 |
The mediating role of affective commitment in the relation of the feedback environment to work outcomes C Norris-Watts, PE Levy Journal of vocational behavior 65 (3), 351-365, 2004 | 304 | 2004 |