Zhenwen Ren
Zhenwen Ren
其他姓名Ren Zhenwen
Professor, SWUST, Southwest Automation Research Institute, and NJUST
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Simultaneous global and local graph structure preserving for multiple kernel clustering
Z Ren, Q Sun
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 32 (5), 1839-1851, 2021
Consensus affinity graph learning for multiple kernel clustering
Z Ren, SX Yang, Q Sun, T Wang
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 51 (6), 3273-3284, 2021
Learning latent low-rank and sparse embedding for robust image feature extraction
Z Ren, Q Sun, B Wu, X Zhang, W Yan
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 2094-2107, 2020
Joint correntropy metric weighting and block diagonal regularizer for robust multiple kernel subspace clustering
C Yang, Z Ren, Q Sun, M Wu, M Yin, Y Sun
Information Sciences 500, 48-66, 2019
Robust low-rank kernel multi-view subspace clustering based on the schatten p-norm and correntropy
X Zhang, H Sun, Z Liu, Z Ren, Q Cui, Y Li
Information Sciences 477, 430-447, 2019
Multiple kernel clustering with kernel k-means coupled graph tensor learning
Z Ren, Q Sun, D Wei
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 35 (11), 9411-9418, 2021
Fast convergence time synchronization in wireless sensor networks based on average consensus
F Shi, X Tuo, L Ran, Z Ren, SX Yang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (2), 1120-1129, 2019
Multiple kernel subspace clustering with local structural graph and low-rank consensus kernel learning
Z Ren, H Li, C Yang, Q Sun
Knowledge-Based Systems 188, 105040, 2020
Hierarchical consensus hashing for cross-modal retrieval
Y Sun, Z Ren, P Hu, D Peng, X Wang
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 26, 824-836, 2023
Integrated intelligent fault diagnosis approach of offshore wind turbine bearing based on information stream fusion and semi-supervised learning
Y Zhang, K Yu, Z Lei, J Ge, Y Xu, Z Li, Z Ren, K Feng
Expert Systems with Applications 232, 120854, 2023
Wideband water helical antenna of circular polarization
Z Ren, SS Qi, Z Hu, Z Shen, W Wu
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 67 (11), 6770-6777, 2019
Rapid-flooding time synchronization for large-scale wireless sensor networks
F Shi, X Tuo, SX Yang, J Lu, H Li
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (3), 1581-1590, 2019
Auto-weighted tensor schatten p-norm for robust multi-view graph clustering
X Li, Z Ren, Q Sun, Z Xu
Pattern Recognition 134, 109083, 2023
Multiple kernel low-rank representation-based robust multi-view subspace clustering
X Zhang, Z Ren, H Sun, K Bai, X Feng, Z Liu
Information Sciences 551, 324-340, 2021
Hierarchical hashing learning for image set classification
Y Sun, X Wang, D Peng, Z Ren, X Shen
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 32, 1732-1744, 2023
Simultaneous learning coefficient matrix and affinity graph for multiple kernel clustering
Z Ren, H Lei, Q Sun, C Yang
Information Sciences 547, 289-306, 2021
Multiple kernel driven clustering with locally consistent and selfish graph in industrial IoT
Z Ren, M Mukherjee, J Lloret, P Venu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (4), 2956-2963, 2020
Cross-view graph matching guided anchor alignment for incomplete multi-view clustering
X Li, Y Sun, Q Sun, Z Ren, Y Sun
Information Fusion 100, 101941, 2023
Laplacian multiset canonical correlations for multiview feature extraction and image recognition
YH Yuan, Y Li, XB Shen, QS Sun, JL Yang
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 731-755, 2017
Robust Low-Rank Kernel Subspace Clustering based on the Schatten p-norm and Correntropy
X Zhang, B Chen, H Sun, Z Liu, Z Ren, Y Li
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 32 (12), 2426-2437, 2019
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