Gabriel Istrate
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Cited by
Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment in Wireless Radio Networks.
CL Barrett, G Istrate, VSA Kumar, MV Marathe, S Thite
Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Workshop on Foundations of Wireless Networks …, 2006
Computational complexity and statistical physics
A Percus, G Istrate, C Moore
Oxford University Press, 2006
The phase transition in 1-in-k SAT and NAE 3-SAT
D Achlioptas, A Chtcherba, G Istrate, C Moore
Proceedings of SODA'2001, the ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms 1, 2001
Convergence of the iterated prisoner's dilemma game
M Dyer, LA Goldberg, C Greenhill, G Istrate, M Jerrum
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 2000
Spines of random constraint satisfaction problems: definition and connection with computational complexity
G Istrate, S Boettcher, AG Percus
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 44, 353-372, 2005
A continuous–discontinuous second‐order transition in the satisfiability of random Horn‐SAT formulas
C Moore, G Istrate, D Demopoulos, MY Vardi
Random Structures & Algorithms 31 (2), 173-185, 2007
Threshold properties of random boolean constraint satisfaction problems
G Istrate
Discrete applied mathematics 153 (1-3), 141-152, 2005
The peculiar phase structure of random graph bisection
AG Percus, G Istrate, B Gonçalves, RZ Sumi, S Boettcher
Journal of Mathematical Physics 49 (12), 2008
The phase transition in random Horn satisfiability and its algorithmic implications
G Istrate
Random Structures and Algorithms 20 (4), 483-506, 2002
Adversarial scheduling in discrete models of social dynamics
G Istrate, MV Marathe, SS Ravi
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 22 (5), 788-815, 2012
Mechanism design with predictions for obnoxious facility location
G Istrate, C Bonchis
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.09521, 2022
Computational complexity and phase transitions
G Istrate
Proceedings 15th Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, 104-115, 2000
Looking for a version of Schaefer's dichotomy theorem when each variable occurs at most twice
G Istrate
Technical Report 652, University of Rochester. Department of Computer Science, 1997
Short Proofs of the Kneser-Lovász Coloring Principle
J Aisenberg, ML Bonet, S Buss, A Craciun, G Istrate
Information and Computation (special issue for ICALP'2015), 2018
Partition into heapable sequences, heap tableaux and a multiset extension of Hammersley's process
G Istrate, C Bonchis
Proceedings of CPM'2015, the 26th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern …, 2015
Semantic compression of TCP traces
G Istrate, A Hansson, S Thulasidasan, M Marathe, C Barrett
Proceedings of IFIP NETWORKING 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3976 …, 2006
The strong equivalence of ET0L grammars
G Istrate
Information Processing Letters 4 (62), 171-176, 1997
Proof complexity and the Kneser-Lovász theorem
G Istrate, A Craciun
Proceedings of SAT'2014, 17th International Conference on Theory and …, 2014
On the dynamics of social balance on general networks (with an application to XOR-SAT)
G Istrate
Fundamenta Informaticae 91 (2), 341-356, 2008
Combinatorics of TCP reordering
A Hansson, G Istrate, SP Kasiviswanathan
Journal of combinatorial optimization 12, 57-70, 2006
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Articles 1–20