Letícia Fernanda Ramos Leite
Letícia Fernanda Ramos Leite
Ph.D. in Ecology - Postdoc at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
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Cited by
Variation in community structure of gall‐inducing insects associated with a tropical plant supports the hypothesis of competition in stressful habitats
LF Ramos, RRC Solar, HT Santos, M Fagundes
Ecology and Evolution 9 (24), 13919-13930, 2019
Diversity of gall-inducing insects associated with a widely distributed tropical tree species: testing the environmental stress hypothesis
M Fagundes, P Cuevas-Reyes, LF Ramos Leite, MAZ Borges, ...
Environmental Entomology 49 (4), 838-847, 2020
How much leaf area do insects eat? A data set of insect herbivory sampled globally with a standardized protocol
GM Mendes, FAO Silveira, C Oliveira, W Dáttilo, R Guevara, ...
Ecology 102 (4), e03301, 2021
Experimental manipulation of biotic and abiotic parameters changes the outcome of insect-plant interactions
L Ramos, M Fagundes, D Boanares, GW Fernandes, R Solar
Basic and Applied Ecology 65, 97-108, 2022
Does inter-plant variation in sprouting time affect the growth/reproduction trade-off and herbivory in a tropical tree species?
M Fagundes, RC Xavier, LFL Ramos, WK Siqueira, R Reis-Junior, ...
Acta Botanica Brasilica 30, 602-608, 2016
Strong relationships between soil and vegetation in reference ecosystems of a riparian Atlantic rainforest in the upper Doce River watershed, southeastern Brazil
L Ramos, D Negreiros, BSS Ferreira, JCG Figueiredo, DC Paiva, Y Oki, ...
SISEF-Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology, 2023
Vulnerability of seedlings to herbivore and pathogen attack: the importance of plant vigor and plant nutritional quality in Hymenaea courbaril
GW Fernandes, L Ramos, JC Santos, R Perea, RG Moreira, ...
Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 1-12, 2024
Dynamics of insect-plant interactions: the role of biotic and abiotic parameters altering insect community relationships
LFR Leite
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2021
Estrutura da comunidade de galhas em uma planta super-hospedeira: testando a hipótese da competição em habitats xéricos
M Claros
Calibração do Clorofilômetro Minolta SPAD-502 para Determinação do Teor de Clorofila em folhas de Jatropha curcas L.(Euphorbiaceae)
LFR Leite, KCS Santos, HM Matos, CEG Soares, RCF Xavier, ...
Organização da comunidade de galhas: competição é uma força estruturadora em ambiente xérico?
HT dos Santos, LFR Leite, KLR Duarte, ACR Veloso, RD Coutinho, ...
Variações Ambientais Afetam a Distribuição e Abundância de Insetos Galhadores em Copaifera langsdorffii (Fabaceae)
WK Siqueira, LFR Leite, ML Souza, APP Marques, RR de Castro Solar, ...
Variações na Herbivoria e Tamanho Foliar de Copaifera langsdorffii (Fabaceae): Efeitos da Qualidade do Habitat
ACR Veloso, WK Siqueira, LFR Leite, M Fagundes
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Articles 1–13