Elif Çelebi
Elif Çelebi
Dr. Clinical Psychologist at Thrive Wellbeing Centre
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Cited by
Ethnic identification, discrimination, and mental and physical health among Syrian refugees: The moderating role of identity needs
E Çelebi, M Verkuyten, SC Bagci
European journal of social psychology 47 (7), 832-843, 2017
Social cognitive influences on Mexican Americans’ career choices across Holland’s themes
LY Flores, C Robitschek, E Celebi, C Andersen, U Hoang
Journal of vocational behavior 76 (2), 198-210, 2010
Social identity continuity and mental health among Syrian refugees in Turkey
A Smeekes, M Verkuyten, E Çelebi, C Acartürk, S Onkun
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 52, 1317-1324, 2017
Out-group trust and conflict understandings: The perspective of Turks and Kurds in Turkey
E Çelebi, M Verkuyten, T Köse, M Maliepaard
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 40, 64-75, 2014
Investigating the links between cultural values and belief in conspiracy theories: The key roles of collectivism and masculinity
J Adam‐Troian, P Wagner‐Egger, M Motyl, T Arciszewski, R Imhoff, ...
Political Psychology 42 (4), 597-618, 2021
Weird coincidences commonly occur
SL Coleman, BD Beitman, E Celebi
Psychiatric Annals 39 (5), 2009
“Return of the repressed”: Exposure to police violence increases protest and self-sacrifice intentions for the Yellow Vests
J Adam-Troian, E Çelebi, Y Mahfud
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 23 (8), 1171-1186, 2020
Cross‐group friendships and outgroup attitudes among Turkish–Kurdish ethnic groups: Does perceived interethnic conflict moderate the friendship‐attitude link?
SC Bagci, E Çelebi
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 47 (2), 59-73, 2017
Support for Kurdish language rights in Turkey: The roles of ethnic group, group identifications, contact, and intergroup perceptions
E Çelebi, M Verkuyten, N Smyrnioti
Ethnic and Racial Studies 39 (6), 1034-1051, 2016
Positive associations between anomia and intentions to engage in political violence: Cross-cultural evidence from four countries.
J Adam-Troian, E Bonetto, M Araujo, O Baidada, E Celebi, M Dono Martin, ...
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 26 (2), 217, 2020
Cognitive primes for attachment security can increase cultural empathy, but also interact negatively with attachment anxiety
BN MalliNCkrodt, AMS McNett, E Celebi, KM Birks, CL Tsai, BE Williams
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 32 (10), 1013-1039, 2013
Interactive theater and self‐efficacy
S Burgoyne, P Placier, M Thomas, S Welch, C Ruffin, LY Flores, E Celebi, ...
New Directions for Teaching and Learning 2007 (111), 21-26, 2007
Evidence for indirect loss of significance effects on violent extremism: The potential mediating role of anomia
J Troian, O Baidada, T Arciszewski, T Apostolidis, E Celebi, T Yurtbakan
Aggressive behavior 45 (6), 691-703, 2019
Discrimination towards ethnic minorities: How does it relate to majority group members’ outgroup attitudes and support for multiculturalism
SC Bagci, E Çelebi, S Karaköse
Social Justice Research 30, 1-22, 2017
Positive links between exposure to police violence, PTSD, and depression symptoms among yellow vests protesters in France
E Çelebi, J Adam-Troian, Y Mahfud
Journal of interpersonal violence 37 (5-6), 2267-2288, 2022
Synchronicity and healing
BD Beitman, E Celebi, SL Coleman
Integrative psychiatry, 445-484, 2010
The role of Muslim identity in predicting violent behavioural intentions to defend Muslims
M Obaidi, G Anjum, J Lindström, R Bergh, E Celebi, M Baykal
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 23 (8), 1267-1282, 2020
Are your cross‐ethnic friends ethnic and/or national group identifiers? The role of own and perceived cross‐ethnic friend's identities on outgroup attitudes and multiculturalism
SC Bagci, E Çelebi
European Journal of Social Psychology 48 (1), O36-O50, 2018
Etnik ve ulusal kimlikler ile dış grup tutumları ilişkisinde çatışma algısı ve dış gruba sorumluluk yükleme
SÇ Bağcı, E Çelebi
Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 32 (80), 63-74, 2017
Diyalektik davranış terapisi
E Çelebi
Psikoterapi Yöntemleri: Kuramlar ve Uygulama (Eds E Köroğlu, H. Türkçapar …, 2017
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Articles 1–20