Zhou Su
Zhou Su
Xi'an Jiaotong University
在 ieee.org 的电子邮件经过验证
A survey on metaverse: Fundamentals, security, and privacy
Y Wang, Z Su, N Zhang, R Xing, D Liu, TH Luan, X Shen
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 25 (1), 319-352, 2022
A secure charging scheme for electric vehicles with smart communities in energy blockchain
Z Su, Y Wang, Q Xu, M Fei, YC Tian, N Zhang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (3), 4601-4613, 2018
Learning in the air: Secure federated learning for UAV-assisted crowdsensing
Y Wang, Z Su, N Zhang, A Benslimane
IEEE Transactions on network science and engineering 8 (2), 1055-1069, 2020
BSIS: Blockchain-based secure incentive scheme for energy delivery in vehicular energy network
Y Wang, Z Su, N Zhang
IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 15 (6), 3620-3631, 2019
LVBS: Lightweight Vehicular Blockchain for Secure Data Sharing in Disaster Rescue
Z Su, Y Wang, Q Xu, N Zhang
IEEE Transactions on dependable and secure computing 19 (1), 19-32, 2020
Malicious node detection in wireless sensor networks using weighted trust evaluation
IM Atakli, H Hu, Y Chen, WS Ku, Z Su
Proceedings of the 2008 Spring simulation multiconference, 836-843, 2008
Secure and efficient federated learning for smart grid with edge-cloud collaboration
Z Su, Y Wang, TH Luan, N Zhang, F Li, T Chen, H Cao
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (2), 1333-1344, 2021
A survey on ChatGPT: AI-generated contents, challenges, and solutions
Y Wang, Y Pan, M Yan, Z Su, TH Luan
IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, 2023
A multi-user mobile computation offloading and transmission scheduling mechanism for delay-sensitive applications
C Yi, J Cai, Z Su
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 19 (1), 29-43, 2019
An edge caching scheme to distribute content in vehicular networks
Z Su, Y Hui, Q Xu, T Yang, J Liu, Y Jia
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (6), 5346-5356, 2018
Security and privacy for mobile healthcare networks: from a quality of protection perspective
K Zhang, K Yang, X Liang, Z Su, X Shen, HH Luo
IEEE Wireless Communications 22 (4), 104-112, 2015
Big data in mobile social networks: A QoE-oriented framework
Z Su, Q Xu, Q Qi
IEEE network 30 (1), 52-57, 2016
Blockchain-based data security for artificial intelligence applications in 6G networks
W Li, Z Su, R Li, K Zhang, Y Wang
IEEE Network 34 (6), 31-37, 2020
An efficient and fine-grained big data access control scheme with privacy-preserving policy
K Yang, Q Han, H Li, K Zheng, Z Su, X Shen
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 4 (2), 563-571, 2016
Blockchain-empowered space-air-ground integrated networks: Opportunities, challenges, and solutions
Y Wang, Z Su, J Ni, N Zhang, X Shen
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 24 (1), 160-209, 2021
The next generation vehicular networks: A content-centric framework
Z Su, Y Hui, Q Yang
IEEE Wireless Communications 24 (1), 60-66, 2017
SPDS: A secure and auditable private data sharing scheme for smart grid based on blockchain
Y Wang, Z Su, N Zhang, J Chen, X Sun, Z Ye, Z Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (11), 7688-7699, 2020
Epidemic information dissemination in mobile social networks with opportunistic links
Q Xu, Z Su, K Zhang, P Ren, XS Shen
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 3 (3), 399-409, 2015
A game theoretic approach to parked vehicle assisted content delivery in vehicular ad hoc networks
Z Su, Q Xu, Y Hui, M Wen, S Guo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (7), 6461-6474, 2016
A game theoretical incentive scheme for relay selection services in mobile social networks
Q Xu, Z Su, S Guo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (8), 6692-6702, 2015
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