AbdElRahman ElSaid
Cited by
Cited by
Optimizing long short-term memory recurrent neural networks using ant colony optimization to predict turbine engine vibration
AER ElSaid, F El Jamiy, J Higgins, B Wild, T Desell
Applied Soft Computing 73, 969-991, 2018
Using LSTM recurrent neural networks to predict excess vibration events in aircraft engines
AER ElSaid, B Wild, J Higgins, T Desell
2016 IEEE 12th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), 260-269, 2016
Investigating recurrent neural network memory structures using neuro-evolution
A Ororbia, AER ElSaid, T Desell
Proceedings of the genetic and evolutionary computation conference, 446-455, 2019
Distinguishing human-written and ChatGPT-generated text using machine learning
H Alamleh, AAS AlQahtani, AER ElSaid
2023 Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS), 154-158, 2023
A Self-Reconfigurable System for Mobile Health Text Misinformation Detection
SEVS Pillai, AA ElSaid, WC Hu
2022 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (eIT …, 2022
Evolving recurrent neural networks for time series data prediction of coal plant parameters
AER ElSaid, S Benson, S Patwardhan, D Stadem, T Desell
Applications of Evolutionary Computation: 22nd International Conference …, 2019
Using ant colony optimization to optimize long short-term memory recurrent neural networks
AER ElSaid, FE Jamiy, J Higgins, B Wild, T Desell
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 13-20, 2018
Mobile Health Text Misinformation Identification Using Mobile Data Mining
WC Hu, SEVS Pillai, AA ElSaid
International Journal of Mobile Devices, Wearable Technology, and Flexible …, 2022
An experimental study of weight initialization and lamarckian inheritance on neuroevolution
Z Lyu, AER ElSaid, J Karns, M Mkaouer, T Desell
International Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation …, 2021
Optimizing LSTM RNNs using ACO to predict turbine engine vibration
AER ElSaid, B Wild, FE Jamiy, J Higgins, T Desell
Proceedings of the genetic and evolutionary computation conference companion …, 2017
Artificial intelligence for automated detection of large mammals creates path to upscale drone surveys
J Lenzi, AF Barnas, AA ElSaid, T Desell, RF Rockwell, SN Ellis-Felege
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 947, 2023
Neuro-evolutionary transfer learning through structural adaptation
AER ElSaid, J Karnas, Z Lyu, D Krutz, AG Ororbia, T Desell
Applications of Evolutionary Computation: 23rd European Conference …, 2020
Improving neuroevolutionary transfer learning of deep recurrent neural networks through network-aware adaptation
AER ElSaid, J Karns, Z Lyu, D Krutz, A Ororbia, T Desell
Proceedings of the 2020 genetic and evolutionary computation conference, 315-323, 2020
Ant-based neural topology search (ANTS) for optimizing recurrent networks
AER ElSaid, AG Ororbia, TJ Desell
International Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation …, 2020
An empirical exploration of deep recurrent connections using neuro-evolution
T Desell, AER ElSaid, AG Ororbia
Applications of Evolutionary Computation: 23rd European Conference …, 2020
A Hybrid Method of Face Feature Extraction, Classification Based on MLBP and Layered-Recurrent Network.
A Al-Qaisi, MS AlTarawneh, AER ElSaid, ZA Alqadi
Traitement du Signal 37 (4), 555-561, 2020
The ant swarm neuro-evolution procedure for optimizing recurrent networks
AERA ElSaid, AG Ororbia, TJ Desell
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.11849, 2019
Improving distributed neuroevolution using island extinction and repopulation
Z Lyu, J Karns, AER ElSaid, M Mkaouer, T Desell
International Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation …, 2021
Improving neuroevolution using island extinction and repopulation
Z Lyu, J Karns, AER ElSaid, T Desell
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.07376, 2020
Continuous ant-based neural topology search
AER ElSaid, J Karns, Z Lyu, AG Ororbia, T Desell
International Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation …, 2021
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Articles 1–20