Xian Yu
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Cited by
Multistage distributionally robust mixed-integer programming with decision-dependent moment-based ambiguity sets
X Yu, S Shen
Mathematical Programming 196 (1), 1025-1064, 2022
An integrated decomposition and approximate dynamic programming approach for on-demand ride pooling
X Yu, S Shen
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 21 (9), 3811-3820, 2019
Integrated vehicle routing and service scheduling under time and cancellation uncertainties with application in nonemergency medical transportation
X Yu, S Shen, H Wang
Service Science 13 (3), 172-191, 2021
Resource distribution under spatiotemporal uncertainty of disease spread: Stochastic versus robust approaches
B Basciftci, X Yu, S Shen
Computers & Operations Research 149, 106028, 2023
Time window optimization for attended home service delivery under multiple sources of uncertainties
X Yu, S Shen, B Badri-Koohi, H Seada
Computers & Operations Research 150, 106045, 2023
On the value of multistage stochastic facility location with risk aversion
X Yu, S Shen, S Ahmed
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.11005, 2021
An optimization-and-simulation framework for redesigning university campus bus system with social distancing
G Chen, X Fei, H Jia, X Yu, S Shen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.10630, 2020
Traffic signal control under stochastic traffic demand and vehicle turning via decentralized decomposition approaches
X Fei, X Wang, X Yu, Y Feng, H Liu, S Shen, Y Yin
European Journal of Operational Research 310 (2), 712-736, 2023
On the value of multistage risk-averse stochastic facility location with or without prioritization
X Yu, S Shen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.11005, 2021
On the global convergence of risk-averse policy gradient methods with expected conditional risk measures
X Yu, L Ying
International Conference on Machine Learning, 40425-40451, 2023
Risk-averse reinforcement learning via dynamic time-consistent risk measures
X Yu, S Shen
2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2307-2312, 2022
The University of Michigan implements a hub-and-spoke design to accommodate social distancing in the campus bus system under COVID-19 restrictions
G Chen, X Fei, H Jia, X Yu, S Shen
INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics 52 (6), 539-552, 2022
On the Global Convergence of Risk-Averse Policy Gradient Methods with Dynamic Time-Consistent Risk Measures.
X Yu, L Ying
CoRR, 2023
Sequential Optimization Under Uncertainty: Models, Algorithms, and Applications
X Yu
Resource Distribution Under Spatiotemporal Uncertainty of Disease Spread: Stochastic versus Robust Approaches (preprint)
B Basciftci, X Yu, S Shen
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Articles 1–15