Palani G.S.
Palani G.S.
Chief Scientist, CSIR-SERC
在 serc.res.in 的电子邮件经过验证
β-Belite cements (β-dicalcium silicate) obtained from calcined lime sludge and silica fume
S Maheswaran, S Kalaiselvam, SKSS Karthikeyan, C Kokila, GS Palani
Cement and Concrete Composites 66, 57-65, 2016
Strength improvement studies using new type wild strain Bacillus cereus on cement mortar
S Maheswaran, SS Dasuru, ARC Murthy, B Bhuvaneshwari, VR Kumar, ...
Current science, 50-57, 2014
An overview on the influence of nano silica in concrete and a research initiative
S Maheswaran, B Bhuvaneshwari, GS Palani, R Nagesh, S Kalaiselvam
Research Journal of Recent Sciences, ISSN 2277, 2502, 2013
Effect of confinement on steel-concrete composite light-weight load-bearing wall panels under compression
P Prabha, V Marimuthu, M Saravanan, GS Palani, N Lakshmanan, ...
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 81, 11-19, 2013
An efficient finite element model for static and vibration analysis of eccentrically stiffened plates/shells
GS Palani, NR Iyer, TA Rao
Computers & Structures 43 (4), 651-661, 1992
Linear smoothed extended finite element method for fatigue crack growth simulations
M Surendran, S Natarajan, GS Palani, SPA Bordas
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 206, 551-564, 2019
Replaceable fuses in earthquake resistant steel structures: A review
M Saravanan, R Goswami, GS Palani
International Journal of Steel Structures 18, 868-879, 2018
State-of-the-art review on fracture analysis of concrete structural components
ARC Murthy, GS Palani, NR Iyer
Sadhana 34, 345-367, 2009
Impact Analysis of Concrete Structural Components.
A Murthy, GS Palani, NR Iyer
Defence Science Journal 60 (3), 2010
State-of-the-art review on fatigue crack growth analysis under variable amplitude loading
ARC MURTHY, GS Palani, NR Iyer
Journal of the Institution of Engineers. India. Civil Engineering Division …, 2004
Enhancing the corrosion resistance performance of structural steel via a novel deep cryogenic treatment process
S Ramesh, B Bhuvaneshwari, GS Palani, DM Lal, K Mondal, RK Gupta
Vacuum 159, 468-475, 2019
Effect of high temperature on the properties of ternary blended cement pastes and mortars
S Maheswaran, NR Iyer, GS Palani, RA Pandi, DD Dikar, S Kalaiselvam
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 122, 775-786, 2015
An overview of techniques based on biomimetics for sustainable development of concrete
VR Kumar, B Bhuvaneshwari, S Maheswaran, GS Palani, K Ravisankar, ...
Current Science, 741-747, 2011
Hydration phenomena of functionalized carbon nanotubes (CNT)/cement composites
B Balasubramaniam, K Mondal, K Ramasamy, GS Palani, NR Iyer
Fibers 5 (4), 39, 2017
Linear smoothed extended finite element method
M Surendran, S Natarajan, SPA Bordas, GS Palani
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 112 (12), 1733-1749, 2017
Behaviour of steel-foam concrete composite panel under in-plane lateral load
P Prabha, GS Palani, N Lakshmanan, R Senthil
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 139, 437-448, 2017
Confinement effect of glass fabrics bonded with cementitious and organic binders
S Gopinath, NR Iyer, R Gettu, GS Palani, AR Murthy
Procedia Engineering 14, 535-542, 2011
Finite element analysis of thin-walled curved beams made of composites
GS Palani, S Rajasekaran
Journal of Structural Engineering 118 (8), 2039-2061, 1992
Low-temperature preparation of belite from lime sludge and nanosilica through solid-state reaction
S Maheswaran, S Kalaiselvam, S Arunbalaji, GS Palani, NR Iyer
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 119, 1845-1852, 2015
Energy dissipative beam-column connection for earthquake resistant moment frames
M Saravanan, R Goswami, GS Palani
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 176, 106428, 2021
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