Thomas Kellermeier
Cited by
Cited by
Identifying the best machine learning algorithms for brain tumor segmentation, progression assessment, and overall survival prediction in the BRATS challenge
S Bakas, M Reyes, A Jakab, S Bauer, M Rempfler, A Crimi, RT Shinohara, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.02629, 2018
Conditional Adversarial Network for Semantic Segmentation of Brain Tumor
M Rezaei, K Harmuth, W Gierke, T Kellermeier, M Fischer, H Yang, ...
International MICCAI Brainlesion Workshop, 241-252, 2017
Probabilistic routing for on-street parking search
T Arndt, D Hafner, T Kellermeier, S Krogmann, A Razmjou, MS Krejca, ...
24th annual European symposium on algorithms (ESA 2016), 2016
Routing for on-street parking search using probabilistic data
T Friedrich, MS Krejca, R Rothenberger, T Arndt, D Hafner, T Kellermeier, ...
AI Communications 32 (2), 113-124, 2019
Mining business relationships from stocks and news
T Kellermeier, T Repke, R Krestel
Mining Data for Financial Applications: 4th ECML PKDD Workshop, MIDAS 2019 …, 2020
LIPIcs, Volume 57, ESA'16, Complete Volume}}
P Sankowski, C Zaroliagis, L Georgiadis, GF Italiano, N Parotsidis, ...
24th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2016) 57, 9, 2016
24th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2016)
L Georgiadis, GF Italiano, N Parotsidis, O Svensson, M Abolhassani, ...
Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH, 2016
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Articles 1–7