James Katz
Cited by
Cited by
Perpetual contact: Mobile communication, private talk, public performance
JE Katz, M Aakhus
Cambridge University Press, 2002
Social consequences of Internet use: Access, involvement, and interaction
JE Katz
MIT press, 2002
Comparing internet and mobile phone usage: digital divides of usage, adoption, and dropouts
RE Rice, JE Katz
Telecommunications policy 27 (8-9), 597-623, 2003
Social‐desirability bias and the validity of self‐reported values
RJ Fisher, JE Katz
Psychology & marketing 17 (2), 105-120, 2000
The Internet, 1995-2000: Access, civic involvement, and social interaction
JE Katz, RE Rice, P Aspden
American behavioral scientist 45 (3), 405-419, 2001
Motivations for and barriers to Internet usage: Results of a national public opinion survey
J Katz, P Aspden
Internet Research 7 (3), 170-188, 1997
A nation of strangers?
JE Katz, P Aspden
Communications of the ACM 40 (12), 81-86, 1997
Hyperbole over cyberspace: Self-presentation and social boundaries in Internet home pages and discourse
E Wynn, JE Katz
Information Society 13, 297-328, 1997
Mobile phones as fashion statements: evidence from student surveys in the US and Japan
JE Katz, S Sugiyama
New media & society 8 (2), 321-337, 2006
Magic in the air: Mobile communication and the transformation of social life
JE Katz
Transaction Publishers, 2011
The Internet and health communication: Experiences and expectations
RE Rice
Sage, 2001
Machines that become us: The social context of personal communication technology
JE Katz
Transaction Publishers, 2002
The paradox of participation versus misinformation: Social media, political engagement, and the spread of misinformation
S Valenzuela, D Halpern, JE Katz, JP Miranda
Digital Journalism 7 (6), 802-823, 2019
Extending family to school life: College students’ use of the mobile phone
YF Chen, JE Katz
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 67 (2), 179-191, 2009
We face, I tweet: How different social media influence political participation through collective and internal efficacy
D Halpern, S Valenzuela, JE Katz
Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication 22 (6), 320-336, 2017
Conclusion: making meaning of mobiles - a theory of Apparatgeist
JE Katz, MA Aakhus
Perpetual contact: Mobile communication, private talk, public performance …, 2002
Mobile phones as fashion statements: The co-creation of mobile communication’s public meaning
JE Katz
Magic in the Air, 65-86, 2017
Selfies and photo messaging as visual conversation: Reports from the United States, United Kingdom and China
J Katz, E Thomas Crocker
International Journal of Communication 9, 2015
“Selfie-ists” or “Narci-selfiers”?: A cross-lagged panel analysis of selfie taking and narcissism
D Halpern, S Valenzuela, JE Katz
Personality and Individual Differences 97, 98-101, 2016
Social network sites, marriage well-being and divorce: Survey and state-level evidence from the United States
S Valenzuela, D Halpern, JE Katz
Computers in Human Behavior 36, 94-101, 2014
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Articles 1–20