Kyrylo Snizhko
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Cited by
Quantum Zeno effect appears in stages
K Snizhko, P Kumar, A Romito
Physical review research 2 (3), 033512, 2020
Topological transition in measurement-induced geometric phases
V Gebhart, K Snizhko, T Wellens, A Buchleitner, A Romito, Y Gefen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (11), 5706-5713, 2020
Importance of interband transitions for the fractional quantum Hall effect in bilayer graphene
K Snizhko, V Cheianov, SH Simon
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (20), 201415, 2012
Extracting the scaling dimension of quantum Hall quasiparticles from current correlations
N Schiller, Y Oreg, K Snizhko
Physical Review B 105 (16), 165150, 2022
Optimized steering: Quantum state engineering and exceptional points
P Kumar, K Snizhko, Y Gefen, B Rosenow
Physical Review A 105 (1), L010203, 2022
Observing a topological transition in weak-measurement-induced geometric phases
Y Wang, K Snizhko, A Romito, Y Gefen, K Murch
Physical Review Research 4 (2), 023179, 2022
Nonequilibrium noise in transport across a tunneling contact between fractional quantum Hall edges
O Shtanko, K Snizhko, V Cheianov
Physical Review B 89 (12), 125104, 2014
Measurement and control of a Coulomb-blockaded parafermion box
K Snizhko, R Egger, Y Gefen
Physical Review B 97 (8), 081405, 2018
Engineering two-qubit mixed states with weak measurements
P Kumar, K Snizhko, Y Gefen
Physical review research 2 (4), 042014, 2020
Energy relaxation in edge modes in the quantum Hall effect
A Rosenblatt, S Konyzheva, F Lafont, N Schiller, J Park, K Snizhko, ...
Physical review letters 125 (25), 256803, 2020
Quantum Zeno effect with partial measurement and noisy dynamics
P Kumar, A Romito, K Snizhko
Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043420, 2020
Stochastic phase slips in toroidal Bose-Einstein condensates
K Snizhko, K Isaieva, Y Kuriatnikov, Y Bidasyuk, S Vilchinskii, ...
Physical Review A 94 (6), 063642, 2016
Parafermionic generalization of the topological Kondo effect
K Snizhko, F Buccheri, R Egger, Y Gefen
Physical Review B 97 (23), 235139, 2018
Dissipative preparation and stabilization of many-body quantum states in a superconducting qutrit array
Y Wang, K Snizhko, A Romito, Y Gefen, K Murch
Physical Review A 108 (1), 013712, 2023
Non-Abelian Berry phase for open quantum systems: Topological protection versus geometric dephasing
K Snizhko, R Egger, Y Gefen
Physical Review B 100 (8), 085303, 2019
Mitigating crosstalk errors by randomized compiling: Simulation of the BCS model on a superconducting quantum computer
H Perrin, T Scoquart, A Shnirman, J Schmalian, K Snizhko
Physical Review Research 6 (1), 013142, 2024
Near-unit efficiency of chiral state conversion via hybrid-Liouvillian dynamics
P Kumar, K Snizhko, Y Gefen
Physical Review A 104 (5), L050405, 2021
Non-Abelian Geometric Dephasing
K Snizhko, R Egger, Y Gefen
Physical review letters 123 (6), 060405, 2019
Scaling dimension of quantum Hall quasiparticles from tunneling-current noise measurements
K Snizhko, V Cheianov
Physical Review B 91 (19), 195151, 2015
Weak-measurement-induced asymmetric dephasing: Manifestation of intrinsic measurement chirality
K Snizhko, P Kumar, N Rao, Y Gefen
Physical Review Letters 127 (17), 170401, 2021
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Articles 1–20