Michael T. Stephenson
Michael T. Stephenson
Provost and Senior Vice President & Professor of Communication Studies
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Reliability and validity of a brief measure of sensation seeking
RH Hoyle, MT Stephenson, P Palmgreen, EP Lorch, RL Donohew
Personality and individual differences 32 (3), 401-414, 2002
Brief measures of sensation seeking for screening and large-scale surveys
MT Stephenson, RH Hoyle, P Palmgreen, MD Slater
Drug and alcohol dependence 72 (3), 279-286, 2003
Structural equation modeling in the communication sciences, 1995–2000
RL Holbert, MT Stephenson
Human Communication Research 28 (4), 531-551, 2002
Television campaigns and adolescent marijuana use: tests of sensation seeking targeting.
P Palmgreen, L Donohew, EP Lorch, RH Hoyle, MT Stephenson
American Journal of Public Health 91 (2), 292, 2001
Further evidence that psychological reactance can be modeled as a combination of anger and negative cognitions
BL Quick, MT Stephenson
Communication Research 34 (3), 255-276, 2007
The importance of indirect effects in media effects research: Testing for mediation in structural equation modeling
RL Holbert, MT Stephenson
Journal of broadcasting & electronic media 47 (4), 556-572, 2003
Examining the role of trait reactance and sensation seeking on perceived threat, state reactance, and reactance restoration
BL Quick, MT Stephenson
Human Communication Research 34 (3), 448-476, 2008
A Monte Carlo simulation of observable versus latent variable structural equation modeling techniques
MT Stephenson, RL Holbert
Communication Research 30 (3), 332-354, 2003
Facts versusFeelings' how rational is the decision to become an organ donor?
SE Morgan, MT Stephenson, TR Harrison, WA Afifi, SD Long
Journal of health psychology 13 (5), 644-658, 2008
Examining the decision to talk with family about organ donation: Applying the theory of motivated information management
WA Afifi, SE Morgan, MT Stephenson, C Morse, T Harrison, T Reichert, ...
Communication Monographs 73 (2), 188-215, 2006
Associations between message features and subjective evaluations of the sensation value of antidrug public service announcements
SE Morgan, P Palmgreen, MT Stephenson, RH Hoyle, EP Lorch
Journal of communication 53 (3), 512-526, 2003
BIS/BAS scales and their relationship to risky health behaviours
DC Voigt, JP Dillard, KH Braddock, JW Anderson, P Sopory, ...
Personality and individual differences 47 (2), 89-93, 2009
Sensation seeking, perceived message sensation value, personal involvement, and processing of anti-marijuana PSAs
M Stephenson, P Palmgreen
Communication Monographs 68 (1), 49-71, 2001
In their own words: the reasons why people will (not) sign an organ donor card
SE Morgan, TR Harrison, WA Afifi, SD Long, MT Stephenson
Health communication 23 (1), 23-33, 2008
Family discussions about organ donation: how the media influences opinions about donation decisions
SE Morgan, TR Harrison, SD Long, WA Afifi, MS Stephenson, T Reichert
Clinical transplantation 19 (5), 674-682, 2005
Fear, threat, and perceptions of efficacy from frightening skin cancer messages
MT Stephenson, K Witte
Public health reviews 26, 147-174, 1998
Perceived message sensation value (PMSV) and the dimensions and validation of a PMSV scale
P Palmgreen, MT Stephenson, MW Everett, JR Baseheart, R Francies
Health communication 14 (4), 403-428, 2002
Effects of the Office of National Drug Control Policy’s Marijuana Initiative Campaign on high-sensation-seeking adolescents
P Palmgreen, EP Lorch, MT Stephenson, RH Hoyle, L Donohew
American Journal of Public Health 97 (9), 1644-1649, 2007
The reliability and validity of the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (BSSS‐8) with young adult Latino workers: Implications for tobacco and alcohol disparity research
MT Stephenson, LF Velez, P Chalela, A Ramirez, RH Hoyle
Addiction 102, 79-91, 2007
Commentary on the uses and misuses of structural equation modeling in communication research.
RL Holbert, MT Stephenson
Sage Publications, Inc, 2008
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Articles 1–20