Lele Kang
Lele Kang
在 nju.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Remarkable advocates: An investigation of geographic distance and social capital for crowdfunding
L Kang, Q Jiang, CH Tan
Information & Management 54 (3), 336-348, 2017
Understanding the antecedents and consequences of live chat use in electronic markets
L Kang, X Wang, CH Tan, JL Zhao
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 25 (2), 117-139, 2015
An investigation of the relationship between scientists’ mobility to/from China and their research performance
Z Zhao, Y Bu, L Kang, C Min, Y Bian, L Tang, J Li
Journal of Informetrics 14 (2), 101037, 2020
Mining social lending motivations for loan project recommendations
J Yan, K Wang, Y Liu, K Xu, L Kang, X Chen, H Zhu
Expert Systems with Applications 111, 100-106, 2018
Managing change with the support of smart technology: A field investigation of ride-hailing services
L Kang, Q Jiang, CH Peng, CL Sia, TP Liang
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 21 (6), 4, 2020
Dual decision-making with discontinuance and acceptance of information technology: the case of cloud computing
Y Bian, L Kang, JL Zhao
Internet Research 30 (5), 1521-1546, 2020
The impact of intra-transaction communication on customer purchase behaviour in e-commerce context
L Kang, CH Tan, JL Zhao
Reconciling “doing good” and “doing well” in organizations’ green IT initiatives: A multi-case analysis
X Yang, Y Li, L Kang
International Journal of Information Management 51, 102052, 2020
From buzz to bucks: The impact of social media opinions on the locus of innovation
W Zhang, L Kang, Q Jiang, L Pei
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 30, 125-137, 2018
Encouraging people to embrace feedback-seeking in online learning: An investigation of informational and relational drivers
M Wu, X Xu, L Kang, JL Zhao, L Liang
Internet Research 29 (4), 749-771, 2019
Explaining the outcomes of social gamification: A longitudinal field experiment
J Zhang, Q Jiang, W Zhang, L Kang, PB Lowry, X Zhang
Journal of Management Information Systems 40 (2), 401-439, 2023
Why people are involved in and committed to online knowledge-sharing communities: an expectancy-value perspective
M Wu, L Kang, Y Shi, JL Zhao, L Liang
Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 27 (2), 78-101, 2019
User competence with enterprise systems: The effects of work environment factors
W Ke, L Kang, CH Tan, CH Peng
Information Systems Research 32 (3), 860-875, 2021
Understanding the antecedents and consequences of live-chat use in e-commerce context
L Kang, X Wang, CH Tan, JL Zhao
HCI in Business: First International Conference, HCIB 2014, Held as Part of …, 2014
Which questions are valuable in online Q&A communities? A question’s position in a knowledge network matters
Y Shi, S Chen, L Kang
Scientometrics 126, 8239-8258, 2021
Do cognitive and affective expressions matter in purchase conversion? A live chat perspective
L Kang, CH Tan, JL Zhao
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 71 (4 …, 2020
A 2020 perspective on “From buzz to bucks: The impact of social media opinions on the locus of innovation”: From Surfaces to Essences
W Zhang, L Kang, Q Jiang, L Pei
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 40, 100964, 2020
How does information technology capability enable digital transformation? Considering the mediating roles of agility
V Dibia, L Kang, G Hassna, S Wei, PB Lowry
JAIS Theory Development Workshop, International Conference on Information …, 2014
How to poach the talents? Role of social capital and contextual knowledge base
J Shi, J Wang, L Kang, J Sun
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 197, 122905, 2023
A literature review for open source software studies
Q Jiang, J Qin, L Kang
HCI in Business: Second International Conference, HCIB 2015, Held as Part of …, 2015
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