Runchen Lai
Runchen Lai
Westlake University, Zhejiang University, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics
在 szlab.ac.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Crystal structure control of zinc-blende CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals: synthesis and structure-dependent optical properties
W Nan, Y Niu, H Qin, F Cui, Y Yang, R Lai, W Lin, X Peng
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (48), 19685-19693, 2012
Ultrastable near-infrared perovskite light-emitting diodes
B Guo, R Lai, S Jiang, L Zhou, Z Ren, Y Lian, P Li, X Cao, S Xing, Y Wang, ...
Nature Photonics 16 (9), 637-643, 2022
Triplet Energy Transfer from CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals Enabled by Quantum Confinement
X Luo, R Lai, Y Li, Y Han, G Liang, X Liu, T Ding, J Wang, K Wu
Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (10), 4186-4190, 2019
Single-dot spectroscopy of zinc-blende CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals: nonblinking and correlation with ensemble measurements
H Qin, Y Niu, R Meng, X Lin, R Lai, W Fang, X Peng
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (1), 179-187, 2014
Highly reactive, flexible yet green Se precursor for metal selenide nanocrystals: Se-octadecene suspension (Se-SUS)
C Pu, J Zhou, R Lai, Y Niu, W Nan, X Peng
Nano research 6, 652-670, 2013
Toward stable and efficient perovskite lightemitting diodes
D Yang, B Zhao, T Yang, R Lai, D Lan, RH Friend, D Di
Advanced Functional Materials 32 (9), 2109495, 2022
Germanium-lead perovskite light-emitting diodes
D Yang, G Zhang, R Lai, Y Cheng, Y Lian, M Rao, D Huo, D Lan, B Zhao, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 4295, 2021
Cascaded ExcitedState Intramolecular Proton Transfer Towards NearInfrared Organic Lasers Beyond 850 nm
JJ Wu, MP Zhuo, R Lai, SN Zou, CC Yan, Y Yuan, SY Yang, GQ Wei, ...
Angewandte Chemie 133 (16), 9196-9201, 2021
On the absence of a phonon bottleneck in strongly confined CsPbBr 3 perovskite nanocrystals
Y Li, R Lai, X Luo, X Liu, T Ding, X Lu, K Wu
Chemical science 10 (23), 5983-5989, 2019
Observation of a phonon bottleneck in copper-doped colloidal quantum dots
L Wang, Z Chen, G Liang, Y Li, R Lai, T Ding, K Wu
Nature communications 10 (1), 4532, 2019
Visible-Light-Driven Sensitization of Naphthalene Triplets Using Quantum-Confined CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals
Y Han, X Luo, R Lai, Y Li, G Liang, K Wu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 (7), 1457-1463, 2019
Near-infrared organic single-crystal nanolaser arrays activated by excited-state intramolecular proton transfer
JJ Wu, H Gao, R Lai, MP Zhuo, J Feng, XD Wang, Y Wu, LS Liao, L Jiang
Matter 2 (5), 1233-1243, 2020
Triplet sensitization and photon upconversion using InP-based quantum dots
R Lai, Y Sang, Y Zhao, K Wu
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (47), 19825-19829, 2020
One-pot/three-step synthesis of zinc-blende CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals with thick shells
Y Niu, C Pu, R Lai, R Meng, W Lin, H Qin, X Peng
Nano Research 10, 1149-1162, 2017
Shallow distance-dependent triplet energy migration mediated by endothermic charge-transfer
R Lai, Y Liu, X Luo, L Chen, Y Han, M Lv, G Liang, J Chen, C Zhang, D Di, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1532, 2021
Sensitized molecular triplet and triplet excimer emission in two-dimensional hybrid perovskites
Y Tian, Y Li, B Chen, R Lai, S He, X Luo, Y Han, Y Wei, K Wu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11 (6), 2247-2255, 2020
Ultralow-voltage operation of light-emitting diodes
Y Lian, D Lan, S Xing, B Guo, Z Ren, R Lai, C Zou, B Zhao, RH Friend, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 3845, 2022
FacetDependent OnSurface Reactions in the Growth of CdSe Nanoplatelets
C Zhu, D Chen, W Cao, R Lai, C Pu, J Li, X Kong, X Peng
Angewandte Chemie 131 (49), 17928-17934, 2019
On-surface reactions in the growth of high-quality CdSe nanocrystals in nonpolar solutions
R Lai, C Pu, X Peng
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (29), 9174-9183, 2018
Macroscopic assembled graphene nanofilms based room temperature ultrafast midinfrared photodetectors
L Peng, L Liu, S Du, SC Bodepudi, L Li, W Liu, R Lai, X Cao, W Fang, ...
InfoMat 4 (6), e12309, 2022
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