Sari Ramon Mohali Castillo
Sari Ramon Mohali Castillo
University of Los Andes. Agricultural and Forest Pathology
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Cited by
Three new Lasiodiplodia spp. from the tropics, recognized based on DNA sequence comparisons and morphology
TI Burgess, PA Barber, S Mohali, G Pegg, W de Beer, MJ Wingfield
Mycologia 98 (3), 423-435, 2006
Diversity and host association of the tropical tree endophyte Lasiodiplodia theobromae revealed using simple sequence repeat markers
S Mohali, TI Burgess, MJ Wingfield
Forest pathology 35 (6), 385-396, 2005
Identification of Botryosphaeriaceae from Eucalyptus, Acacia and Pinus in Venezuela
S Mohali, B Slippers, MJ Wingfield
Fungal Divers 25, 103-125, 2007
Two new< i> Fusicoccum</i> species from< i> Acacia</i> and< i> Eucalyptus</i> in Venezuela, based on morphology and DNA sequence data
S Mohali, B Slippers, MJ Wingfield
Mycological research 110 (4), 405-413, 2006
Ceratocystis fimbriatomima, a new species in the C. fimbriata sensu lato complex isolated from Eucalyptus trees in Venezuela
M Van Wyk, BD Wingfield, S Mohali, MJ Wingfield
Fungal Diversity 34, 175, 2010
Pathogenicity of seven species of the Botryosphaeriaceae on Eucalyptus clones in Venezuela
SR Mohali, B Slippers, MJ Wingfield
Australasian Plant Pathology 38 (2), 135-140, 2009
Muerte regresiva en parchita causada por Lasiodiplodia theobromae en Venezuela
L Cedeño, C Carrero, S Mohali, E Palacios-Prü, K Quintero
Fitopatología venezolana 8 (1), 11-14, 1995
Botryosphaeriaceae Species Associated With Cankers and Dieback Symptoms of Acacia mangium and Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis in Venezuela
JR Úrbez-Torres, F Castro-Medina, SR Mohali, WD Gubler
Plant Disease 100 (12), 2455-2464, 2016
First report of Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae causing trunk cankers in Acacia mangium in Venezuela
F Castro Medina, SR Mohali, JR Urbez-Torres, WD Gubler
Plant Disease 98 (05), 686, 2014
Caracterización y variabilidad genética de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides sensu lato en plantaciones de palma aceitera (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) en Venezuela
IP Domínguez-Guerrero, SR Mohali-Castillo, MA Marín-Montoya, ...
Tropical Plant Pathology 37, 108-122, 2012
Ultrastructural and morphological study of the mutualistic fungus of the ant Atta cephalotes
S Mohali
Rev. Ecol. Lat. Am 5 (3), 1-6, 1998
Ultrastructure of Lasiodiplodia theobromae causal agent of caribbean pine blue stain in Venezuela
L Cede o, S Mohali, E Palacios-Prue
INTERCIENCIA-CARACAS- 21, 264-271, 1996
Antracnose causada por dos cepas de Glomerella cingulata em frutos de parchita
L Cedeño, S Mohali, ELP Prü
Fitopatología Venezolana 86, 30-33, 1993
Association of Diplodia mutila with blue stain of Caribbean pine in Venezuela
S Mohali, O Encinas
Forest pathology 31 (3), 187-189, 2001
El género Coccocarpia Pers.(Ascomycetes liquenizados) en Venezuela
V Marcano, AM Méndez, S Mohali, L Galiz, EP Prü
Tropical Bryology 10, 215-227, 1995
Revision del genero Leprocaudon Nyl. ex Lamy (Lichenes Imperfecti) en Venezuela
V Marcano, L Galiz, S Mohali, A Morales Méndez, E Palacios-Prue
Tropical Bryology, 47-56, 1997
Manchado azul en madera de Pinus oocarpa y Azadirachta indica en Venezuela
S Mohali, O Encinas, N Mora
Fitopatologia Venezolana 15 (2), 30-32, 2002
The lichen genus Bulbothricella, a new segregate in the Parmeliaceae from Venezuela
V Marcanom, S Mohali, E Palacios-Prue, A Morales Méndez
Lichenologist 28, 421-430, 1996
First report of Lasiodiplodia theobromae and L. venezuelensis associated with blue stain on Ficus insipida wood from the Natural Forest of Venezuela
SR Mohali, F Castro‐Medina, JR Úrbez‐Torres, WD Gubler
Forest Pathology 47 (5), e12355, 2017
Calonectria vigiensis sp. nov. (Hypocreales, Nectriaceae) associated with dieback and sudden-death symptoms of Theobroma cacao from Mérida state, Venezuela
SR Mohali, JE Stewart
Botany 99 (11), 683-693, 2021
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Articles 1–20