Ali Sobhani (Alec Sobany)
Ali Sobhani (Alec Sobany)
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Cited by
Narrowband photodetection in the near-infrared with a plasmon-induced hot electron device
A Sobhani, MW Knight, Y Wang, B Zheng, NS King, LV Brown, Z Fang, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 1643, 2013
Embedding plasmonic nanostructure diodes enhances hot electron emission
MW Knight, Y Wang, AS Urban, A Sobhani, BY Zheng, P Nordlander, ...
Nano letters 13 (4), 1687-1692, 2013
Enhancing the photocurrent and photoluminescence of single crystal monolayer MoS2 with resonant plasmonic nanoshells
A Sobhani, A Lauchner, S Najmaei, C Ayala-Orozco, F Wen, J Lou, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (3), 2014
Pronounced linewidth narrowing of an aluminum nanoparticle plasmon resonance by interaction with an aluminum metallic film
A Sobhani, A Manjavacas, Y Cao, MJ McClain, FJ García de Abajo, ...
Nano letters 15 (10), 6946-6951, 2015
Combining plasmonic hot carrier generation with free carrier absorption for high-performance near-infrared silicon-based photodetection
M Tanzid, A Ahmadivand, R Zhang, B Cerjan, A Sobhani, S Yazdi, ...
ACS Photonics 5 (9), 3472-3477, 2018
Ternary CuIn7Se11: towards ultra-thin layered photodetectors and photovoltaic devices
S Lei, A Sobhani, F Wen, A George, Q Wang, Y Huang, P Dong, B Li, ...
Adv. Mater 26 (45), 7666-7672, 2014
Layer engineering of 2D semiconductor junctions
B Li, E Xie, Y He, A Sobhani, S Lei, Z Zhang, Y Gong, Z Jin, W Zhou, ...
Substrate-mediated charge transfer plasmons in simple and complex nanoparticle clusters
Y Wang, Z Li, K Zhao, A Sobhani, X Zhu, Z Fang, NJ Halas
Nanoscale 5 (20), 9897-9901, 2013
Absorption-induced image resolution enhancement in scattering media
M Tanzid, NJ Hogan, A Sobhani, H Robatjazi, AK Pediredla, ...
Acs Photonics 3 (10), 1787-1793, 2016
Imaging through plasmonic nanoparticles
M Tanzid, A Sobhani, CJ DeSantis, Y Cui, NJ Hogan, A Samaniego, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (20), 5558-5563, 2016
Article type: Full Paper Ternary CuIn7Se11: Towards Ultra-Thin Layered Photodetectors and Photovoltaic Devices
S Lei, A Sobhani, F Wen, A George, Q Wang, Y Huang, P Dong, B Li, ...
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