Birgitte Lilholt Sørensen
Birgitte Lilholt Sørensen
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Cited by
Conditioning, filtering, and expressing waste activated sludge
JT Novak, ML Agerbæk, BL Sørensen, JA Hansen
Journal of Environmental Engineering 125 (9), 816-824, 1999
Filtration characterisation and specific surface area measurement of activated sludge by rhodamine B adsorption
BL Sørensen, RJ Wakeman
Water Research 30 (1), 115-121, 1996
Environmental and resource implications of phosphorus recovery from waste activated sludge
BL Sørensen, OL Dall, K Habib
Waste management 45, 391-399, 2015
Structure compression in cake filtration
BL Sørensen, PB Sørensen
Journal of Environmental Engineering 123 (4), 345-353, 1997
Comparative study on environmental impacts of reusable and single-use bronchoscopes
BL Sørensen, H Grüttner
American Journal of Environmental Protection 7 (4), 55-62, 2018
Environmental assessment of end-of-life textiles in Denmark
A Koligkioni, K Parajuly, BL Sørensen, C Cimpan
Procedia CIRP 69, 962-967, 2018
Life cycle assessment of alternative bedpans–a case of comparing disposable and reusable devices
BL Sørensen, H Wenzel
Journal of cleaner production 83, 70-79, 2014
Applying cake filtration theory on membrane filtration data
BL Sørensen, PB Sorensen
Water Research 31 (3), 665-670, 1997
Predicting cake filtration using specific filtration flow rate
PB Sorensen, ML Agerbaek, BL Sørensen
Water environment research 68 (7), 1151-1155, 1996
A theoretical model for blinding in cake filtration
BL Sørensen, K Keiding, SL Lauritzen
Water environment research 69 (2), 168-173, 1997
Filtration of activated sludge
BL Sørensen
Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Aalborg University, 1996
An example of how assessment relates to practice when student learning is the main principle for creating curricula
HJ Kristensen, BL Sørensen
European Journal of Engineering Education 29 (2), 203-209, 2004
Carbon footprint and life cycle assessment of centralised and decentralised handling of wastewater during rain
J Clauson-Kaas, BL Sørensen, OG Dalgaard, AK Sharma, NB Johansen, ...
Journal of Water and Climate Change 3 (4), 266-275, 2012
A review of environmental and economic aspects of medical devices, illustrated with a comparative study of double-lumen tubes used for one-lung ventilation
BL Sørensen, S Larsen, C Andersen
Environment, Development and Sustainability 25 (11), 13219-13252, 2023
Hvordan uddanner vi kompetente ingeniører?
V Andersen, L Ulriksen, I Bering, B Sørensen, M Hansen
IPN, 2006
Applying remote sensing to determine the percent imperviousness for urban drainage modelling
MRV Vásquez, BL Sørensen, O Mark, RL Borgstrøm, K Juel-Berg, ...
Research Journal of Environmental Sciences 12 (3), 132-143, 2018
Hvordan uddanner vi kompetente ingeniører. Kompetencebeskrivelser i diplomingeniøruddannelserne
V Andersen, L Ulriksen, I Bering
Ingeniøruddannelsernes pædagogiske netværk IPN, 2006
Urban Drainage Modelling for Management of Urban Surface Water
BL Sørensen
Air Pollution Sources, Statistics and Health Effects, 229-236, 2021
Miljøvurdering af tørring, forgasning og udvinding af fosfor fra spildevandsslam
BL Sørensen, OL Dall, K Habib
Syddansk Universitet. Institut for kemi-, bio-og miljøteknologi, 2013
Life Cycle Assessment of 4 types of bedpans
BL Sørensen, H Wenzel
Syddansk Universitet. Institut for kemi-, bio-og miljøteknologi, 2012
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Articles 1–20