Qucheng Gong
Qucheng Gong
Facebook AI Research
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Cited by
Combining deep reinforcement learning and search for imperfect-information games
N Brown, A Bakhtin, A Lerer, Q Gong
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 17057-17069, 2020
Elf: An extensive, lightweight and flexible research platform for real-time strategy games
Y Tian, Q Gong, W Shang, Y Wu, CL Zitnick
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30, 2017
Elf opengo: An analysis and open reimplementation of alphazero
Y Tian, J Ma, Q Gong, S Sengupta, Z Chen, J Pinkerton, L Zitnick
International conference on machine learning, 6244-6253, 2019
Hierarchical decision making by generating and following natural language instructions
H Hu, D Yarats, Q Gong, Y Tian, M Lewis
Advances in neural information processing systems 32, 2019
Polygames: Improved zero learning
T Cazenave, YC Chen, GW Chen, SY Chen, XD Chiu, J Dehos, M Elsa, ...
ICGA Journal 42 (4), 244-256, 2021
Luck matters: Understanding training dynamics of deep relu networks
Y Tian, T Jiang, Q Gong, A Morcos
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.13405, 2019
Joint policy search for multi-agent collaboration with imperfect information
Y Tian, Q Gong, Y Jiang
Advances in neural information processing systems 33, 19931-19942, 2020
Elf opengo
Y Tian, J Ma, Q Gong, S Sengupta, Z Chen, CL Zitnick
Simple is better: Training an end-to-end contract bridge bidding agent without human knowledge
Q Gong, Y Jiang, Y Tian
Real-world Sequential Decision Making Workshop in ICML, 2019
Facebook Open Sources ELF OpengGo
Y Tian, L Zitnick
Facebook Research, May, 2018
Techniques for capturing state information and performing actions for threads in a multi-threaded computing environment
Y Tian, Q Gong, WU Yuxin
US Patent 10,387,161, 2019
Kimi k1. 5: Scaling reinforcement learning with llms
K Team, A Du, B Gao, B Xing, C Jiang, C Chen, C Li, C Xiao, C Du, C Liao, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.12599, 2025
Latent forward model for real-time strategy game planning with incomplete information
Y Tian, Q Gong
Unsupervised program induction with hierarchical generative convolutional neural networks
Q Gong, Y Tian, CL Zitnick
All Simulations Are Not Equal: Simulation Reweighing for Imperfect Information Games
Q Gong, Y Tian
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Articles 1–15