Haining Chen
Haining Chen
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beihang University
在 buaa.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
A strongly coupled graphene and FeNi double hydroxide hybrid as an excellent electrocatalyst for the oxygen evolution reaction
X Long, J Li, S Xiao, K Yan, Z Wang, H Chen, S Yang
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (29), 7584-7588, 2014
Hybrid halide perovskite solar cell precursors: colloidal chemistry and coordination engineering behind device processing for high efficiency
K Yan, M Long, T Zhang, Z Wei, H Chen, S Yang, J Xu
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (13), 4460-4468, 2015
Inkjet Printing and Instant Chemical Transformation of a CH3NH3PbI3/Nanocarbon Electrode and Interface for Planar Perovskite Solar Cells
Z Wei, H Chen, K Yan, S Yang
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (48), 13239-13243, 2014
Interfacial residual stress relaxation in perovskite solar cells with improved stability
H Wang, C Zhu, L Liu, S Ma, P Liu, J Wu, C Shi, Q Du, Y Hao, S Xiang, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (48), 1904408, 2019
Carbonbased perovskite solar cells without hole transport materials: the front runner to the market?
H Chen, S Yang
Advanced materials 29 (24), 1603994, 2017
Solvent engineering boosts the efficiency of paintable carbonbased perovskite solar cells to beyond 14%
H Chen, Z Wei, H He, X Zheng, KS Wong, S Yang
Advanced Energy Materials 6 (8), 1502087, 2016
Effects of a molecular monolayer modification of NiO nanocrystal layer surfaces on perovskite crystallization and interface contact toward faster hole extraction and higher …
Y Bai, H Chen, S Xiao, Q Xue, T Zhang, Z Zhu, Q Li, C Hu, Y Yang, Z Hu, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (17), 2950-2958, 2016
Cost-efficient clamping solar cells using candle soot for hole extraction from ambipolar perovskites
Z Wei, K Yan, H Chen, Y Yi, T Zhang, X Long, J Li, L Zhang, J Wang, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 7 (10), 3326-3333, 2014
Carbon-Based CsPbBr3 Perovskite Solar Cells: All-Ambient Processes and High Thermal Stability
X Chang, W Li, L Zhu, H Liu, H Geng, S Xiang, J Liu, H Chen
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (49), 33649-33655, 2016
Highperformance graphenebased hole conductorfree perovskite solar cells: Schottky junction enhanced hole extraction and electron blocking
K Yan, Z Wei, J Li, H Chen, Y Yi, X Zheng, X Long, Z Wang, J Wang, J Xu, ...
Small 11 (19), 2269-2274, 2015
Highly Air-Stable Carbon-Based α-CsPbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells with a Broadened Optical Spectrum
S Xiang, Z Fu, W Li, Y Wei, J Liu, H Liu, L Zhu, R Zhang, H Chen
ACS Energy letters 3 (8), 1824-1831, 2018
Hysteresis-free multi-walled carbon nanotube-based perovskite solar cells with a high fill factor
Z Wei, H Chen, K Yan, X Zheng, S Yang
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 (48), 24226-24231, 2015
A scalable electrodeposition route to the low-cost, versatile and controllable fabrication of perovskite solar cells
H Chen, Z Wei, X Zheng, S Yang
Nano Energy 15, 216-226, 2015
Inorganic perovskite solar cells: a rapidly growing field
H Chen, S Xiang, W Li, H Liu, L Zhu, S Yang
Solar Rrl 2 (2), 1700188, 2018
Boron doping of multiwalled carbon nanotubes significantly enhances hole extraction in carbon-based perovskite solar cells
X Zheng, H Chen, Q Li, Y Yang, Z Wei, Y Bai, Y Qiu, D Zhou, KS Wong, ...
Nano letters 17 (4), 2496-2505, 2017
Profiling the organic cation-dependent degradation of organolead halide perovskite solar cells
T Zhang, X Meng, Y Bai, S Xiao, C Hu, Y Yang, H Chen, S Yang
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (3), 1103-1111, 2017
Iron-doping-enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting performance of nanostructured WO 3: a combined experimental and theoretical study
T Zhang, Z Zhu, H Chen, Y Bai, S Xiao, X Zheng, Q Xue, S Yang
Nanoscale 7 (7), 2933-2940, 2015
A pure and stable intermediate phase is key to growing aligned and vertically monolithic perovskite crystals for efficient PIN planar perovskite solar cells with high …
Y Bai, S Xiao, C Hu, T Zhang, X Meng, Q Li, Y Yang, KS Wong, H Chen, ...
Nano Energy 34, 58-68, 2017
Understanding the relationship between ion migration and the anomalous hysteresis in high-efficiency perovskite solar cells: A fresh perspective from halide substitution
T Zhang, H Chen, Y Bai, S Xiao, L Zhu, C Hu, Q Xue, S Yang
Nano Energy 26, 620-630, 2016
The synergistic effect of non-stoichiometry and Sb-doping on air-stable α-CsPbI 3 for efficient carbon-based perovskite solar cells
S Xiang, W Li, Y Wei, J Liu, H Liu, L Zhu, H Chen
Nanoscale 10 (21), 9996-10004, 2018
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