Till Blume
Till Blume
PhD Candidate University of Ulm
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Towards an open platform for legal information
M Ostendorff, T Blume, S Ostendorff
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2020 …, 2020
Aspect-based document similarity for research papers
M Ostendorff, T Ruas, T Blume, B Gipp, G Rehm
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.06395, 2020
Open innovation in the big data era with the moving platform
I Vagliano, F Günther, M Heinz, A Apaolaza, I Bienia, G Breitfuss, T Blume, ...
IEEE MultiMedia 25 (3), 8-21, 2018
Incremental and parallel computation of structural graph summaries for evolving graphs
T Blume, D Richerby, A Scherp
Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information …, 2020
Specialized document embeddings for aspect-based similarity of research papers
M Ostendorff, T Blume, T Ruas, B Gipp, G Rehm
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 1-12, 2022
Scaling R-GCN training with graph summarization
A Generale, T Blume, M Cochez
Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2022, 1073-1082, 2022
FLUID: A common model for semantic structural graph summaries based on equivalence relations
T Blume, D Richerby, A Scherp
Theoretical Computer Science 854, 136-158, 2021
Indexing data on the web: A comparison of schema-level indices for data search
T Blume, A Scherp
International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 277-286, 2020
Schema-level Index Models for Web Data Search.
A Scherp, T Blume
J. Data Intell. 2 (1), 47-63, 2021
Structural summarization of semantic graphs using quotients
A Scherp, D Richerby, T Blume, M Cochez, J Rau
Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge 1 (1), 12, 2023
Semantic structural graph summaries for evolving and distributed graphs
T Blume
Universität Ulm, 2022
Towards flexible indices for distributed graph data: The formal schema-level index model FLuID
T Blume, A Scherp
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2126, 23-28, 2018
MOVING: A User-Centric Platform for Online Literacy Training and Learning
A Apaolaza, T Backes, S Barthold, I Bienia, T Blume, C Collyda, A Fessl, ...
e-Science: Open, Social and Virtual Technology for Research Collaboration, 77-97, 2021
Towards an incremental schema-level index for distributed linked open data graphs
T Blume, A Scherp
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 61-72, 2018
Time and Memory Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Structural Graph Summaries and two Extensions to Incremental Summarization and $ k $-Bisimulation for Long $ k $-Chaining
T Blume, J Rau, D Richerby, A Scherp
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.12493, 2021
Time and Memory Efficient Algorithm for Structural Graph Summaries over Evolving Graphs.
T Blume, D Richerby, A Scherp
CoRR, 2021
TraininG towards a society of data-saVvy inforMation prOfessionals to enable open leadership INnovation
AS Mutschke, A Madura
Technologies for MOVING data processing and visualisation v2. 0
I Vagliano, M Abdel-Qader, T Blume, F Böschen, LPA Galke, AS Saleh, ...
Technologies for MOVING data processing and visualisation v1. 0
T Blume, F Böschen, LPA Galke, A Saleh, A Scherp, M Schulte-Althoff, ...
Deliverable 1.2: Initial implementation of user studies
S Barthold, I Bienia, T Blume, S Gottfried, F Günther, A Fessl, A Maas, ...
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Articles 1–20