adi prawoto
adi prawoto
Doktor Ilmu Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada
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Environmental performance of cocoa production from monoculture and agroforestry systems in Indonesia
B Utomo, AA Prawoto, S Bonnet, A Bangviwat, SH Gheewala
Journal of Cleaner Production 134, 583-591, 2016
Dinamika pertunasan, layu pentil, dan ketepatan taksasi produksi beberapa klon kakao
AA Prawoto
Pelita Perkebunan 30 (2), 100-114, 2014
Carbon stock in different ages and plantation systemof cocoa: allometric approach
F Yuliasmara, A Wibawa, A Prawoto
Pelita Perkebunan (a Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal) 25 (2), 2009
Mapping cocoa productivity in Ghana, Indonesia and Côte d'Ivoire.
AJ Daymond, K Acheampong, A Prawoto, S Abdoellah, G Addo, ...
Uji Alelopati beberapa spesies tanaman penaung terhadap bibit kopi arabika (Coffea arabica L.)
A Prawoto, AM Nur, SWA Soebagiyo, M Zaubin
Pelita Perkebunan 22 (1), 1-12, 2006
Stomatal Conductance and Chlorophyll Characteristics and Their Relationship with Yield of Some Cocoa Clones Under Tectona grandis, Leucaena sp., and Cassia surattensis.
F Zakariyya, A Prawoto
Pelita Perkebunan (a Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal) 31 (2), 99-108, 2015
Sulistyowati. 2001
A Prawoto, P Rahardjo, S Abdoellah, SS Sukamto, S Winarsih, MB Odang, ...
Pedoman Teknis Budidaya Tanaman Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.). Puslitkoka …, 2003
Regenerasi embriogenesis somatik pada beberapa klon kakao Indonesia dari eksplan bunga
S Avivi, A Prawoto, RF Oetami
Indonesian Journal of Agronomy 38 (2), 2010
Produksi awal dan kajian ekonomis usahatani nilam aceh (pogostemon cablin Benth.) sebagai tanaman sela kakao muda
AA Prawoto, M Sholeh
Pelita Perkebunan 22 (3), 168-190, 2006
Organic Agriculture in Indonesia: A Wannabe Big Player in the Organic World
A Prawoto, I Surono
The Organic Standard 49, 3-6, 2005
Slameto (2003). Respons semaian beberapa klon kakao terhadap cekaman kekeringan
A Prawoto, A Salam
Pelita Perkebunan 19, 55-66, 0
Karakteristik fisiologi klon-klon kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) di bawah tiga spesies tanaman penaung
O Regazzoni, Y Sugito, A Suryanto, AA Prawoto
Jurnal Pelita Perkebunan 30 (3), 198-207, 2014
Pedoman teknis rehabilitasi tanaman kakao dewasa dengan metode sambung samping
S Winarsih, A Prawoto
Warta Puslit Kopi dan Kakao 14 (1), 90-96, 1998
Pattern of flushing, cherelle wilt, and accuracy of yield forecasting of some cocoa clones
A Prawoto
Pelita Perkebunan (a Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal) 30 (2), 100-114, 2014
Penelitian sambungan kakao di pembibitan
A Prawoto
Pelita Perkebunan 5, 47-51, 1989
Variation in Indonesian cocoa farm productivity in relation to management, environmental and edaphic factors
AJ Daymond, A Prawoto, S Abdoellah, AW Susilo, NC Cryer, F Lahive, ...
Experimental agriculture 56 (5), 738-751, 2020
Beberapa Aspek Dalam Pembuatan Setek Tanaman Kakao
A Prawoto
Pelita Perkebunan 2 (1), 29-39, 1986
Effect of flush existence, NAA and GA application on cocoa pod development
YTM Astuti, A Prawoto, K Dewi
Pelita Perkebunan (a Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal) 27 (1), 2011
Coffee Yield and Mineral Cycle in Intercropping of Coffea canephora and SomeSpecies of Timber Shade Trees
A Prawoto
Induction of Cocoa Natural Resistancy to Cocoa Pod Borer by Silica Application
KA Wijaya, A Prawoto, S Ihromi
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Articles 1–20