Pantelis Bouboulis
Pantelis Bouboulis
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications. University of Athens
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Cited by
Extension of Wirtinger's calculus to reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and the complex kernel LMS
P Bouboulis, S Theodoridis
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (3), 964-978, 2010
Construction of recurrent bivariate fractal interpolation surfaces and computation of their box-counting dimension
P Bouboulis, L Dalla, V Drakopoulos
Journal of Approximation Theory 141 (2), 99-117, 2006
Complex support vector machines for regression and quaternary classification
P Bouboulis, S Theodoridis, C Mavroforakis, L Evaggelatou-Dalla
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 26 (6), 1260-1274, 2014
Fractal interpolation surfaces derived from fractal interpolation functions
P Bouboulis, L Dalla
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 336 (2), 919-936, 2007
Online distributed learning over networks in RKH spaces using random Fourier features
P Bouboulis, S Chouvardas, S Theodoridis
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 66 (7), 1920-1932, 2017
Adaptive kernel-based image denoising employing semi-parametric regularization
P Bouboulis, K Slavakis, S Theodoridis
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 19 (6), 1465-1479, 2010
A general construction of fractal interpolation functions on grids of n
P Bouboulis, L Dalla
European Journal of Applied Mathematics 18 (4), 449-476, 2007
Adaptive Learning in Complex Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces Employing Wirtinger's Subgradients
P Bouboulis, K Slavakis, S Theodoridis
Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on 2 (99), 260-276, 2012
Online learning in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
K Slavakis, P Bouboulis, S Theodoridis
Academic Press Library in Signal Processing 1, 883-987, 2014
Wirtinger's calculus in general Hilbert spaces
P Bouboulis
arXiv preprint arXiv:1005.5170, 2010
Hidden variable vector valued fractal interpolation functions
P Bouboulis, L Dalla
FRACTALS-LONDON- 13 (3), 227, 2005
The Augmented Complex Kernel LMS
P Bouboulis, S Theodoridis, M Mavroforakis
Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on 60 (9), 4962-4967, 2012
Robust linear regression analysis—a greedy approach
G Papageorgiou, P Bouboulis, S Theodoridis
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 63 (15), 3872-3887, 2015
Adaptive multiregression in reproducing kernel hilbert spaces: The multiaccess mimo channel case
K Slavakis, P Bouboulis, S Theodoridis
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 23 (2), 260-276, 2011
Image compression using affine fractal interpolation on rectangular lattices
V Drakopoulos, P Bouboulis, S Theodoridis
Fractals 14 (04), 259-269, 2006
Efficient KLMS and KRLS algorithms: A random Fourier feature perspective
P Bouboulis, S Pougkakiotis, S Theodoridis
2016 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), 1-5, 2016
Closed fractal interpolation surfaces
P Bouboulis, L Dalla
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 327 (1), 116-126, 2007
Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and fractal interpolation
P Bouboulis, M Mavroforakis
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 235 (12), 3425-3434, 2011
Image compression using recurrent bivariate fractal interpolation surfaces
P Bouboulis, L Dalla, V Drakopoulos
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 16 (07), 2063-2071, 2006
The complex Gaussian kernel LMS algorithm
P Bouboulis, S Theodoridis
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 11-20, 2010
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Articles 1–20