Stefan Kühner
Stefan Kühner
Associate Professor
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Towards productive welfare? A comparative analysis of 23 OECD countries
J Hudson, S Kühner
Journal of European Social Policy 19 (1), 34-46, 2009
Country-level comparisons of welfare state change measures: Another facet of the dependent variable problem within the comparative analysis of the welfare state
S Kühner
Journal of European Social Policy 17 (1), 5-18, 2007
Fairness for Children. A League Table of Inequality in Child Well-Being in Rich Countries, Unicef Innocenti Report Card 13
I UNICEF Office of Research
Unicef Innocenti Research Centre, 2016
Analysing the Productive Dimensions of Welfare: Looking Beyond East Asia
J Hudson, S Kühner
New Welfare States in East Asia: Global Challenges and Restructuring, 35-59, 2011
Beyond the dependent variable problem: the methodological challenges of capturing productive and protective dimensions of social policy
J Hudson, S Kühner
Social Policy and Society 9 (2), 167-179, 2010
Qualitative comparative analysis and applied public policy analysis: New applications of innovative methods
J Hudson, S Kühner
Policy and Society 32 (4), 279-287, 2013
Productive welfare, the East Asian ‘model’and beyond: Placing welfare types in Greater China into context
J Hudson, S Kühner, N Yang
Social Policy and Society 13 (2), 301-315, 2014
The short guide to social policy
J Hudson, S Kuhner, S Lowe
Policy Press, 2015
Between ideas, institutions and interests: Analysing third way welfare reform programmes in Germany and the United Kingdom
J Hudson, GJ Hwang, S Kühner
Journal of Social Policy 37 (2), 207-230, 2008
The productive and protective dimensions of welfare in Asia and the Pacific: Pathways towards human development and income equality?
S Kühner
Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 31 (2), 151-173, 2015
The productivist construction of selective welfare pragmatism in China
KH Mok, S Kühner, G Huang
Social Policy & Administration 51 (6), 876-897, 2017
From “new social risks” to “COVID social risks”: the challenges for inclusive society in South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan amid the pandemic
YJ Choi, S Kühner, SJ Shi
Policy and Society 41 (2), 260-274, 2022
Beyond the limits of the productivist regime: Capturing three decades of East Asian welfare development with fuzzy sets
N Yang, S Kühner
Social Policy and Society 19 (4), 613-627, 2020
Introduction–Managing welfare expectations and social change: Policy responses in Asia
KH Mok, S Kühner, N Yeates
Social Policy & Administration 51 (6), 845-856, 2017
The mediating role of social capital in the relationship between Hong Kong children’s socioeconomic status and subjective well-being
S Kühner, M Lau, EA Addae
Child Indicators Research 14 (5), 1881-1909, 2021
Do party governments matter after all? Executive ideology, constitutional structures and their combined effect on welfare state change
S Kühner
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis 12 (4), 395-415, 2010
Beyond indices: The potential of fuzzy set ideal type analysis for cross-national analysis of policy outcomes
J Hudson, S Kühner
Policy and Society 32 (4), 303-317, 2013
India's emerging social policy paradigm: productive, protective or what?
S Kühner, K Nakray
Managing Welfare Expectations and Social Change, 40-56, 2018
What if we waited a little longer? The dependent variable problem within the comparative analysis of the welfare state revisited
S Kühner
Social Policy Review 27, 199-224, 2015
Bringing Indonesia into the global welfare regime debate: A literature review and future research agenda
TK Yuda, S Kühner
Asian Social Work and Policy Review 17 (2), 103-114, 2023
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Articles 1–20