Gianmario Verona
Cited by
Cited by
Collaborating to create: The Internet as a platform for customer engagement in product innovation
M Sawhney, G Verona, E Prandelli
Journal of interactive marketing 19 (4), 4-17, 2005
A resource-based view of product development
G Verona
Academy of management review 24 (1), 132-142, 1999
The elephant in the room of dynamic capabilities: Bringing two diverging conversations together
M Peteraf, G Di Stefano, G Verona
Strategic management journal 34 (12), 1389-1410, 2013
Unbundling dynamic capabilities: an exploratory study of continuous product innovation
G Verona, D Ravasi
Industrial and corporate change 12 (3), 577-606, 2003
Dynamic capabilities deconstructed: a bibliographic investigation into the origins, development, and future directions of the research domain
G Di Stefano, M Peteraf, G Verona
Industrial and corporate change 19 (4), 1187-1204, 2010
Technology push and demand pull perspectives in innovation studies: Current findings and future research directions
G Di Stefano, A Gambardella, G Verona
Research policy 41 (8), 1283-1295, 2012
The organizational drivetrain: A road to integration of dynamic capabilities research
G Di Stefano, M Peteraf, G Verona
Academy of Management Perspectives 28 (4), 307-327, 2014
Dynamic marketing capabilities in Science‐based firms: An exploratory investigation of the pharmaceutical industry
DS Bruni, G Verona
British Journal of management 20, S101-S117, 2009
Unpacking the disruption process: New technology, business models, and incumbent adaptation
A Cozzolino, G Verona, FT Rothaermel
Journal of Management Studies 55 (7), 1166-1202, 2018
Innovation and virtual environments: Towards virtual knowledge brokers
G Verona, E Prandelli, M Sawhney
Organization studies 27 (6), 765-788, 2006
The power of innomediation
M Sawhney, E Prandelli, G Verona
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2003
The impact of dynamic capabilities on resource access and development
C Stadler, CE Helfat, G Verona
Organization science 24 (6), 1782-1804, 2013
Market Orientation and R&D Effectiveness in High‐Technology Firms: An Empirical Investigation in the Biotechnology Industry*
LM De Luca, G Verona, S Vicari
Journal of Product Innovation Management 27 (3), 299-320, 2010
Diffusion of web-based product innovation
E Prandelli, G Verona, D Raccagni
California Management Review 48 (4), 109-135, 2006
Search styles in style searching: Exploring innovation strategies in fashion firms
P Cillo, G Verona
Long Range Planning 41 (6), 650-671, 2008
Organising the process of knowledge integration: the benefits of structural ambiguity
D Ravasi, G Verona
Scandinavian Journal of Management 17 (1), 41-66, 2001
In user's shoes: An experimental design on the role of perspective taking in discovering entrepreneurial opportunities
E Prandelli, M Pasquini, G Verona
Journal of Business Venturing 31 (3), 287-301, 2016
Collaborating with customers to innovate: Conceiving and marketing products in the networking age
E Prandelli, M Sawhney, G Verona
Collaborating with Customers to Innovate, 2008
What’s holding back empirical research into organizational capabilities? Remedies for common problems
RM Grant, G Verona
Strategic organization 13 (1), 61-74, 2015
Marketing in rete. Oltre Internet verso il nuovo marketing.
E Prandelli, G Verona
McGraw-Hill, 2006
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Articles 1–20