Shanzhou Niu
Shanzhou Niu
Department of Radiation Oncology, UT Southwestern Medical Center
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Sparse-view x-ray CT reconstruction via total generalized variation regularization
S Niu, Y Gao, Z Bian, J Huang, W Chen, G Yu, Z Liang, J Ma
Physics in Medicine & Biology 59 (12), 2997, 2014
A simple low-dose x-ray CT simulation from high-dose scan
D Zeng, J Huang, Z Bian, S Niu, H Zhang, Q Feng, Z Liang, J Ma
IEEE transactions on nuclear science 62 (5), 2226-2233, 2015
Convolutional sparse coding for compressed sensing CT reconstruction
P Bao, W Xia, K Yang, W Chen, M Chen, Y Xi, S Niu, J Zhou, H Zhang, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 38 (11), 2607-2619, 2019
Spectral CT image restoration via an average image-induced nonlocal means filter
D Zeng, J Huang, H Zhang, Z Bian, S Niu, Z Zhang, Q Feng, W Chen, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 63 (5), 1044-1057, 2015
Iterative image reconstruction for sparse-view CT using normal-dose image induced total variation prior
J Huang, Y Zhang, J Ma, D Zeng, Z Bian, S Niu, Q Feng, Z Liang, W Chen
PloS one 8 (11), e79709, 2013
Multivariate spectral gradient projection method for nonlinear monotone equations with convex constraints
G Yu, S Niu, J Ma
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 9 (1), 117-129, 2013
Nonlocal low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition for spectral CT reconstruction
S Niu, G Yu, J Ma, J Wang
Inverse problems 34 (2), 024003, 2018
Low-dose X-ray computed tomography image reconstruction with a combined low-mAs and sparse-view protocol
Y Gao, Z Bian, J Huang, Y Zhang, S Niu, Q Feng, W Chen, Z Liang, J Ma
Optics express 22 (12), 15190-15210, 2014
SR-NLM: a sinogram restoration induced non-local means image filtering for low-dose computed tomography
Z Bian, J Ma, J Huang, H Zhang, S Niu, Q Feng, Z Liang, W Chen
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 37 (4), 293-303, 2013
Spectral CT reconstruction—ASSIST: Aided by self-similarity in image-spectral tensors
W Xia, W Wu, S Niu, F Liu, J Zhou, H Yu, G Wang, Y Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 5 (3), 420-436, 2019
Low-dose cerebral perfusion computed tomography image restoration via low-rank and total variation regularizations
S Niu, S Zhang, J Huang, Z Bian, W Chen, G Yu, Z Liang, J Ma
Neurocomputing 197, 143-160, 2016
Generative modeling in sinogram domain for sparse-view CT reconstruction
B Guan, C Yang, L Zhang, S Niu, M Zhang, Y Wang, W Wu, Q Liu
IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 2023
Dynamic positron emission tomography image restoration via a kinetics-induced bilateral filter
Z Bian, J Huang, J Ma, L Lu, S Niu, D Zeng, Q Feng, W Chen
PloS one 9 (2), e89282, 2014
Iterative reconstruction for sparse-view x-ray CT using alpha-divergence constrained total generalized variation minimization
S Niu, J Huang, Z Bian, D Zeng, W Chen, G Yu, Z Liang, J Ma
Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 25 (4), 673-688, 2017
Multi-energy computed tomography reconstruction using a nonlocal spectral similarity model
L Yao, D Zeng, G Chen, Y Liao, S Li, Y Zhang, Y Wang, X Tao, S Niu, Q Lv, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 64 (3), 035018, 2019
Iterative reconstruction for photon-counting CT using prior image constrained total generalized variation
S Niu, Y Zhang, Y Zhong, G Liu, S Lu, X Zhang, S Hu, T Wang, G Yu, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 103, 167-182, 2018
Total image constrained diffusion tensor for spectral computed tomography reconstruction
S Niu, Z Bian, D Zeng, G Yu, J Ma, J Wang
Applied Mathematical Modelling 68, 487-508, 2019
Iterative reconstruction for low-dose CT using deep gradient priors of generative model
Z He, Y Zhang, Y Guan, B Guan, S Niu, Y Zhang, Y Chen, Q Liu
IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences 6 (7), 741-754, 2022
An improved gravity centrality for finding important nodes in multi-layer networks based on multi-PageRank
L Lv, T Zhang, P Hu, D Bardou, S Niu, Z Zheng, G Yu, H Wu
Expert Systems with Applications 238, 122171, 2024
Iterative reconstruction for low-dose cerebral perfusion computed tomography using prior image induced diffusion tensor
S Niu, H Liu, M Zhang, M Wang, J Wang, J Ma
Physics in Medicine & Biology 66 (11), 115024, 2021
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