Hong Zhang
Hong Zhang
Associate Professor, Fudan University, EPFL, HKU, DUT
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Pinhole-Free and Surface-Nanostructured NiOx Film by Room-Temperature Solution Process for High-Performance Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells with Good …
H Zhang, J Cheng, F Lin, H He, J Mao, KS Wong, AKY Jen, WCH Choy
ACS nano 10 (1), 1503-1511, 2016
Selective C-C Coupling in Carbon Dioxide Electroreduction via Efficient Spillover of Intermediates as Supported by Operando Raman Spectroscopy
MG Jing Gao, Hong Zhang, Xueyi Guo, Jingshan Luo, Shaik M. Zakeeruddin, Dan Ren
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019
Hole-Conductor-Free, Metal-Electrode-Free TiO2/CH3NH3PbI3 Heterojunction Solar Cells Based on a Low-Temperature Carbon Electrode
H Zhou, Y Shi, Q Dong, H Zhang, Y Xing, K Wang, Y Du, T Ma
The journal of physical chemistry letters 5 (18), 3241-3246, 2014
Efficient and stable inverted perovskite solar cells with very high fill factors via incorporation of star-shaped polymer
MG Qi Cao#, Yongjiang Li#, Hong Zhang#, Jiabao Yang, Jian Han,Ting Xu ...
Science Advances 7 (28), eabg0633, 2021
Perovskite Photovoltaics: The Significant Role of Ligand in Film Formation, Passivation, and Stability
WCHC Hong Zhang, Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin
Advanced Materials 31 (8), 1805702, 2019
Insight into Perovskite Solar Cells Based on SnO2 Compact Electron-Selective Layer
Q Dong, Y Shi, K Wang, Y Li, S Wang, H Zhang, Y Xing, Y Du, X Bai, T Ma
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (19), 10212-10217, 2015
A Smooth CH3NH3PbI3 Film via a New Approach for Forming the PbI2 Nanostructure Together with Strategically High CH3NH3I Concentration for High Efficient PlanarHeterojunction …
WCHC H. Zhang, J. Mao, H. He, D. Zhang, H. L Zhu, F. Xie, K. S. Wong, M. Grätzel
Advanced Energy Materials 5, 1501354, 2015
Stabilization of Highly Efficient and Stable PhasePure FAPbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells by Molecularly Tailored 2DOverlayers
Y Liu, S Akin, A Hinderhofer, FT Eickemeyer, H Zhu, JY Seo, J Zhang, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (36), 15688-15694, 2020
Toward all room-temperature, solution-processed, high-performance planar perovskite solar cells: a new scheme of pyridine-promoted perovskite formation
H Zhang, J Cheng, D Li, F Lin, J Mao, C Liang, AKY Jen, M Grätzel, ...
Adv. Mater 29 (13), 1604695, 2017
2D/3D heterojunction engineering at the buried interface towards high-performance inverted methylammonium-free perovskite solar cells
ZZ Haiyun Li, Cong Zhang, Cheng Gong, Daliang Zhang, Hong Zhang, Qixin ...
Nature Energy, 2023
Mutant p53 in cancer: from molecular mechanism to therapeutic modulation
X Chen, T Zhang, W Su, Z Dou, D Zhao, X Jin, H Lei, J Wang, X Xie, ...
Cell Death & Disease 13 (11), 974, 2022
Improving the stability and performance of perovskite solar cells via off-the-shelf post-device ligand treatment
H Zhang, X Ren, X Chen, J Mao, J Cheng, Y Zhao, Y Liu, J Milic, WJ Yin, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 11 (8), 2253-2262, 2018
Crown Ether Modulation Enables over 23% Efficient Formamidinium-Based Perovskite Solar Cells
TS Su, FT Eickemeyer, MA Hope, F Jahanbakhshi, M Mladenović, J Li, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
Tailoring Triple-Anion Perovskite Material for Indoor Light Harvesting with Restrained Halide Segregation and Record High Efficiency Beyond 36%
SPF Rui Cheng, Chih-Chun Chung, Hong Zhang, Fangzhou Liu, Wei-Ting Wang ...
Advanced Energy Materials, 1901980, 2019
Tailoring passivators for highly efficient and stable perovskite solar cells
MG Hong Zhang, Lukas Pfeifer, Shaik M. Zakeeruddin, Junhao Chu
Nature Reviews Chemistry, 2023
Metal oxide/carbide/carbon nanocomposites: in situ synthesis, characterization, calculation, and their application as an efficient counter electrode catalyst for dyesensitized …
S Yun, H Zhang, H Pu, J Chen, A Hagfeldt, T Ma
Advanced Energy Materials 3 (11), 1407-1412, 2013
A dual functional additive for the HTM layer in perovskite solar cells
H Zhang, Y Shi, F Yan, L Wang, K Wang, Y Xing, Q Dong, T Ma
Chemical Communications 50 (39), 5020-5022, 2014
Efficient Stable Graphene-based Perovskite Solar Cells with High Flexibility in Device Assembling via Modular Architecture Design
YS Chunyang Zhang, Shi Wang, Hong Zhang,Yulin Feng, Wenming Tian,Ying Yan ...
Energy & Environmental Science, 2019
Strategic Synthesis of Ultrasmall NiCo2O4 NPs as Hole Transport Layer for Highly Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells
WCHC Dan Ouyang, Junyan Xiao, Fei Ye, Zhanfeng Huang, Hong Zhang, Lu Zhu ...
Advanced Energy Materials, 2018
Novel direct nanopatterning approach to fabricate periodically nanostructured perovskite for optoelectronic applications
J Mao, WEI Sha, H Zhang, X Ren, J Zhuang, VAL Roy, KS Wong, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (10), 1606525, 2017
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