Yoo Kyung Lee
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Cited by
Soil pH mediates the balance between stochastic and deterministic assembly of bacteria
BM Tripathi, JC Stegen, M Kim, K Dong, JM Adams, YK Lee
The ISME journal 12 (4), 1072-1083, 2018
Microbial symbiosis in marine sponges
YK Lee, JH Lee, HK Lee
Journal of Microbiology 39 (4), 254-264, 2001
Culturable Actinobacteria from the Marine Sponge Hymeniacidon perleve: Isolation and Phylogenetic Diversity by 16S rRNA gene-RFLP Analysis
H Zhang, YK Lee, W Zhang, HK Lee
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 90, 159-169, 2006
A simple method for DNA extraction from marine bacteria that produce extracellular materials
YK Lee, HW Kim, CL Liu, HK Lee
Journal of Microbiological Methods 52 (2), 245-250, 2003
Bacterial community structure and soil properties of a subarctic tundra soil in Council, Alaska
HM Kim, JY Jung, E Yergeau, CY Hwang, L Hinzman, S Nam, SG Hong, ...
FEMS microbiology ecology 89 (2), 465-475, 2014
Variations in bacterial and archaeal communities along depth profiles of Alaskan soil cores
BM Tripathi, M Kim, Y Kim, E Byun, JW Yang, J Ahn, YK Lee
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 504, 2018
Purification and anticoagulant activity of a fucoidan from Korean Undaria pinnatifida sporophyll
WJ Kim, SM Kim, HG Kim, HR Oh, KB Lee, YK Lee, YI Park
Algae 22 (3), 247-252, 2007
Shifts in bacterial community structure during succession in a glacier foreland of the High Arctic
M Kim, JY Jung, D Laffly, HY Kwon, YK Lee
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 93 (1), fiw213, 2017
Vertical distribution of bacterial community is associated with the degree of soil organic matter decomposition in the active layer of moist acidic tundra
HM Kim, MJ Lee, JY Jung, CY Hwang, M Kim, HM Ro, J Chun, YK Lee
Journal of Microbiology 54, 713-723, 2016
Culture and identification of bacteria from marine biofilms
YK Lee, KK Kwon, KH Cho, HW Kim, JH Park, HK Lee
Journal of Microbiology 41 (3), 183-188, 2003
Diversity of symbiotic archaeal communities in marine sponges from Korea
EY Lee, HK Lee, YK Lee, CJ Sim, JH Lee
Biomolecular engineering 20 (4-6), 299-304, 2003
Isolation of antifouling compounds from the marine bacterium, Shewanella oneidensis SCH0402
HD Bhattarai, VS Ganti, B Paudel, YK Lee, HK Lee, YK Hong, HW Shin
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 23, 243-249, 2007
Application of diethyl ethoxymethylenemalonate (DEEMM) derivatization for monitoring of lysine decarboxylase activity
YH Kim, HJ Kim, JH Shin, SK Bhatia, HM Seo, YG Kim, YK Lee, YH Yang, ...
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 115, 151-154, 2015
Comparing rock-inhabiting microbial communities in different rock types from a high arctic polar desert
YH Choe, M Kim, J Woo, MJ Lee, JI Lee, EJ Lee, YK Lee
FEMS microbiology ecology 94 (6), fiy070, 2018
The study of antagonistic interactions among pelagic bacteria: a promising way to coin environmental friendly antifouling compounds
HD Bhattarai, YK Lee, KH Cho, HK Lee, HW Shin
Hydrobiologia 568, 417-423, 2006
Marine bacteria associated with the Korean brown alga, Undaria pinnatifida
YK Lee, HJ Jung, HK Lee
Journal of Microbiology 44 (6), 694-698, 2006
Bacterial communities of surface mixed layer in the Pacific sector of the western Arctic Ocean during sea-ice melting
D Han, I Kang, HK Ha, HC Kim, OS Kim, BY Lee, JC Cho, HG Hur, YK Lee
PloS one 9 (1), e86887, 2014
Exopolysaccharide from psychrotrophic Arctic glacier soil bacterium Flavobacterium sp. ASB 3-3 and its potential applications
G Sathiyanarayanan, DH Yi, SK Bhatia, JH Kim, HM Seo, YG Kim, ...
RSC advances 5 (103), 84492-84502, 2015
Distinct taxonomic and functional profiles of the microbiome associated with different soil horizons of a moist tussock tundra in Alaska
BM Tripathi, HM Kim1, JY Jung, S Nam, HT Ju, M Kim, YK Lee
Frontiers in Microbiology 10, 1442, 2019
MALDI-MS-Based Quantitative Analysis for Ketone Containing Homoserine Lactones in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
YW Kim, C Sung, S Lee, KJ Kim, YH Yang, BG Kim, YK Lee, HW Ryu, ...
Analytical chemistry 87 (2), 858-863, 2015
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Articles 1–20