Felipe Pegado
Felipe Pegado
Associate Professor at Université Paris Cité
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How learning to read changes the cortical networks for vision and language
S Dehaene, F Pegado, LW Braga, P Ventura, GN Filho, A Jobert, ...
science 330 (6009), 1359-1364, 2010
Universal brain systems for recognizing word shapes and handwriting gestures during reading
K Nakamura, WJ Kuo, F Pegado, L Cohen, OJL Tzeng, S Dehaene
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (50), 20762-20767, 2012
Breaking the symmetry: mirror discrimination for single letters but not for pictures in the Visual Word Form Area
F Pegado, K Nakamura, L Cohen, S Dehaene
Neuroimage 55 (2), 742-749, 2011
Timing the impact of literacy on visual processing
F Pegado, E Comerlato, F Ventura, A Jobert, K Nakamura, M Buiatti, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (49), E5233-E5242, 2014
Literacy breaks mirror invariance for visual stimuli: a behavioral study with adult illiterates.
F Pegado, K Nakamura, LW Braga, P Ventura, G Nunes Filho, C Pallier, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (2), 887, 2014
How does literacy break mirror invariance in the visual system?
F Pegado, K Nakamura, T Hannagan
Frontiers in Psychology 5, 703, 2014
The effect of spatial smoothing on representational similarity in a simple motor paradigm
MHA Hendriks, N Daniels, F Pegado, HP Op de Beeck
Frontiers in neurology 8, 222, 2017
Probing the lifetimes of auditory novelty detection processes
F Pegado, T Bekinschtein, N Chausson, S Dehaene, L Cohen, ...
Neuropsychologia 48 (10), 3145-3154, 2010
A transposed-word effect in same-different judgments to sequences of words.
F Pegado, J Grainger
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 46 (7), 1364, 2020
Selective inhibition of mirror invariance for letters consolidated by sleep doubles reading fluency
AR Torres, NB Mota, N Adamy, A Naschold, TZ Lima, M Copelli, ...
Current Biology 31 (4), 742-752. e8, 2021
Transposed-word effects when reading serially
J Mirault, A Vandendaele, F Pegado, J Grainger
PLoS One 17 (11), e0277116, 2022
Neural representations behind ‘social norm’inferences in humans
F Pegado, MHA Hendriks, S Amelynck, N Daniels, J Bulthé, HL Masson, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 12943, 2018
Dissociating lexical and sublexical contributions to transposed-word effects
F Pegado, J Grainger
Acta Psychologica 201, 102943, 2019
Adults with high functioning autism display idiosyncratic behavioral patterns, neural representations and connectivity of the ‘Voice Area’while judging the appropriateness of …
F Pegado, MHA Hendriks, S Amelynck, N Daniels, J Steyaert, B Boets, ...
Cortex 125, 90-108, 2020
Exploring the use of sensorial LTP/LTD-Like stimulation to modulate human performance for complex visual stimuli
F Pegado, H Vankrunkelsven, J Steyaert, B Boets, H Op de Beeck
PLoS One 11 (6), e0158312, 2016
On the noisy spatiotopic encoding of word positions during reading: Evidence from the change-detection task
F Pegado, J Grainger
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 28, 189-196, 2021
An ERP investigation of transposed-word effects in same-different matching
F Pegado, Y Wen, J Mirault, S Dufau, J Grainger
Neuropsychologia 153, 107753, 2021
The search for the face of the visual homunculus
J van den Hurk, F Pegado, F Martens, HPO de Beeck
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 19 (11), 638-641, 2015
Written language acquisition is both shaped by and has an impact on brain functioning and cognition
F Pegado
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16, 819956, 2022
L’impact de l’apprentissage de la lecture sur le cerveau
S Dehaene, F Pegado, LW Braga, P Ventura, G Nunes Filho, A Jobert, ...
médecine/sciences 27 (3), 236-238, 2011
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