David R. Black
David R. Black
Professor of Health and Kinesiology, Purdue University
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Change in diet, physical activity, and body weight in female college freshman
SM Butler, DR Black, CL Blue, RJ Gretebeck
American journal of health behavior 28 (1), 24-32, 2004
Nutrition education intervention for college female athletes
DA Abood, DR Black, RD Birnbaum
Journal of nutrition education and behavior 36 (3), 135-139, 2004
Body mass index and disability in adulthood: a 20-year panel study
KF Ferraro, Y Su, RJ Gretebeck, DR Black, SF Badylak
American Journal of Public Health 92 (5), 834-840, 2002
Nutrition education worksite intervention for university staff: application of the health belief model
DA Abood, DR Black, D Feral
Journal of nutrition education and behavior 35 (5), 260-267, 2003
A meta-analytic evaluation of couples weight-loss programs.
DR Black, LJ Gleser, KJ Kooyers
Health Psychology 9 (3), 330, 1990
Peer helping/involvement: an efficacious way to meet the challenge of reducing alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use among youth
DR Black, NS Tobler, JP Sciacca
Journal of School Health 68 (3), 87-93, 1998
Thermoregulatory responses to RF energy absorption
ER Adair, DR Black
Bioelectromagnetics 24 (S6), S17-S38, 2003
Healthy body weights: an alternative perspective
RP Abernathy, DR Black
The American journal of clinical nutrition 63 (3), 448S-451S, 1996
Radiofrequency (RF) effects on blood cells, cardiac, endocrine, and immunological functions
DR Black, LN Heynick
Bioelectromagnetics 24 (S6), S187-S195, 2003
Young men, masculinity and alcohol
K Mullen, J Watson, J Swift, D Black
Drugs: education, prevention and policy 14 (2), 151-165, 2007
Male and female college athletes: Prevalence of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
ME Burckes-Miller, DR Black
Athletic Training 23 (2), 137-140, 1988
Physiologic screening test for eating disorders/disordered eating among female collegiate athletes
DR Black, LJS Larkin, DC Coster, LJ Leverenz, DA Abood
Journal of athletic training 38 (4), 286, 2003
Male and female college athletes: Use of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa weight loss methods
DR Black, ME Burckes-Miller
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 59 (3), 252-256, 1988
Physical activity and function in older adults: theory of planned behavior
KA Gretebeck, DR Black, CL Blue, LT Glickman, SA Huston, RJ Gretebeck
American Journal of Health Behavior 31 (2), 203-214, 2007
Beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and a smoking-cessation program: A planned behavior analysis of communication campaign development
AS Babrow, DR Black, ST Tiffany
Health Communication 2 (3), 145-163, 1990
Social Problem-Solving Inventory for Adolescents (SPSI-A): development and preliminary psychometric evaluation
M Frauenknecht, DR Black
Journal of personality assessment 64 (3), 522-539, 1995
Synthesis of intervention research to modify physical activity and dietary behaviors
CL Blue, DR Black
Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE): Quality-assessed Reviews …, 2005
Evaluation of a screening test for female college athletes with eating disorders and disordered eating
DL Nagel, DR Black, LJ Leverenz, DC Coster
Journal of Athletic Training 35 (4), 431, 2000
A stepped approach to weight control: A minimal intervention and a bibliotherapy problem-solving program
DR Black, WE Threlfall
Behavior Therapy 17 (2), 144-157, 1986
Levels of cigarette and alcohol use related to eating-disorder attitudes
ML Granner, DR Black, DA Abood
American journal of health behavior 26 (1), 43-55, 2002
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