Austin S. Baldwin
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Cited by
Self-regulation and behavior change: Disentangling behavioral initiation and behavioral maintenance.
AJ Rothman, AS Baldwin, AW Hertel
Handbook of Self-Regulation, 130-148, 2004
The impact of self-efficacy on behavior change and weight change among overweight participants in a weight loss trial.
JA Linde, AJ Rothman, AS Baldwin, RW Jeffery
Health Psychology 25 (3), 282-291, 2006
Specifying the determinants of the initiation and maintenance of behavior change: an examination of self-efficacy, satisfaction, and smoking cessation.
AS Baldwin, AJ Rothman, AW Hertel, JA Linde, RW Jeffery, EA Finch, ...
Health Psychology 25 (5), 626-634, 2006
Experiential avoidance: An examination of the construct validity of the AAQ-II and MEAQ
C Rochefort, AS Baldwin, M Chmielewski
Behavior therapy 49 (3), 435-449, 2018
Trait mindfulness and health behaviours: a meta-analysis
M Sala, C Rochefort, PP Lui, AS Baldwin
Health psychology review 14 (3), 345-393, 2020
Affective determinants of physical activity: a conceptual framework and narrative review
CJ Stevens, AS Baldwin, AD Bryan, M Conner, RE Rhodes, DM Williams
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 568331, 2020
Research findings can change attitudes about corporal punishment
GW Holden, AS Brown, AS Baldwin, KC Caderao
Child Abuse & Neglect 38 (5), 902-908, 2014
Parent-provider communication of HPV vaccine hesitancy: A qualitative analysis of recorded visits
LA Shay, AS Baldwin, AC Betts, EG Marks, RT Higashi, RL Street, ...
Pediatrics 141, e20172312, 2018
Statistical models for multilevel skewed physical activity data in health research and behavioral medicine.
SA Baldwin, GW Fellingham, AS Baldwin
Health Psychology 35, 552-562, 2016
Association between depressive symptoms and mortality risk in chronic kidney disease.
QD Kellerman, AJ Christensen, AS Baldwin, WJ Lawton
Health Psychology 29 (6), 594-600, 2010
Reducing “I don’t know” responses and missing survey data: Implications for measurement
DC Denman, AS Baldwin, AC Betts, A McQueen, JA Tiro
Medical Decision Making 38 (6), 673-682, 2018
Physical activity as a moderator of the association between anxiety sensitivity and binge eating
LB DeBoer, CD Tart, KE Presnell, MB Powers, AS Baldwin, JAJ Smits
Eating Behaviors 13 (3), 194-201, 2012
Examining the moderating effect of depressive symptoms on the relation between exercise and self-efficacy during the initiation of regular exercise.
JL Kangas, AS Baldwin, D Rosenfield, JAJ Smits, CD Rethorst
Health Psychology 34 (5), 556-565, 2015
Satisfaction with weight loss: Examining the longitudinal covariation between people’s weight-loss-related outcomes and experiences and their satisfaction
AS Baldwin, AJ Rothman, RW Jeffery
Annals of Behavioral Medicine 38 (3), 213-224, 2009
Examining the construct validity of affective judgments of physical activity measures.
M Chmielewski, M Sala, R Tang, AS Baldwin
Psychological Assessment 28, 1128-1141, 2016
Affective forecasting error in exercise: Differences between physically active and inactive individuals.
VG Loehr, AS Baldwin
Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology 3, 177-183, 2014
Elucidating satisfaction with physical activity: An examination of the day-to-day associations between experiences with physical activity and satisfaction during physical …
AS Baldwin, SA Baldwin, VG Loehr, JL Kangas, GM Frierson
Psychology & Health 28 (12), 1424-1441, 2013
Examining causal components and a mediating process underlying self-generated health arguments for exercise and smoking cessation.
AS Baldwin, AJ Rothman, MW Vander Weg, AJ Christensen
Health Psychology 32, 1209-1217, 2013
Health beliefs toward cardiovascular risk reduction in patients admitted to chest pain observation units
DA Katz, M Graber, E Birrer, P Lounsbury, A Baldwin, SL Hillis, ...
Academic Emergency Medicine 16 (5), 379-387, 2009
Cardiorespiratory fitness moderates the effect of an affect-guided physical activity prescription: A pilot randomized controlled trial
AS Baldwin, JL Kangas, DC Denman, JAJ Smits, T Yamada, MW Otto
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 45, 1-13, 2016
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