Andre Marques-Smith, DPhil
Andre Marques-Smith, DPhil
Neurotech & BCI startup in stealth mode (CTO)
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Activity-dependent gating of parvalbumin interneuron function by the perineuronal net protein brevican
E Favuzzi, A Marques-Smith, R Deogracias, CM Winterflood, ...
Neuron 95 (3), 639-655. e10, 2017
Distinct molecular programs regulate synapse specificity in cortical inhibitory circuits
E Favuzzi, R Deogracias, A Marques-Smith, P Maeso, J Jezequel, ...
Science 363 (6425), 413-417, 2019
A transient translaminar GABAergic interneuron circuit connects thalamocortical recipient layers in neonatal somatosensory cortex
A Marques-Smith, D Lyngholm, AK Kaufmann, JA Stacey, ...
Neuron 89 (3), 536-549, 2016
Abnormal wiring of CCK+ basket cells disrupts spatial information coding
I Del Pino, JR Brotons-Mas, A Marques-Smith, A Marighetto, A Frick, ...
Nature neuroscience 20 (6), 784-792, 2017
Optimization of interneuron function by direct coupling of cell migration and axonal targeting
L Lim, JMP Pakan, MM Selten, A Marques-Smith, A Llorca, SE Bae, ...
Nature neuroscience 21 (7), 920-931, 2018
GABAergic interneurons form transient layer-specific circuits in early postnatal neocortex
PG Anastasiades, A Marques-Smith, D Lyngholm, T Lickiss, S Raffiq, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10584, 2016
Flexible inhibitory control of visually evoked defensive behavior by the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus
A Fratzl, AM Koltchev, N Vissers, YL Tan, A Marques-Smith, AV Stempel, ...
Neuron 109 (23), 3810-3822. e9, 2021
Recording from the same neuron with high-density cmos probes and patch-clamp: a ground-truth dataset and an experiment in collaboration. bioRxiv
A Marques-Smith, JP Neto, G Lopes, J Nogueira, L Calcaterra, J Frazão, ...
Transparent and flexible electrocorticography electrode arrays based on silver nanowire networks for neural recordings
JP Neto, A Costa, J Vaz Pinto, A Marques-Smith, JC Costa, R Martins, ...
ACS Applied Nano Materials 4 (6), 5737-5747, 2021
Why not record from every electrode with a CMOS scanning probe?
G Dimitriadis, JP Neto, A Aarts, A Alexandru, M Ballini, F Battaglia, ...
BioRxiv, 275818, 2018
Hemodynamic responses in amygdala and hippocampus distinguish between aversive and neutral cues during P avlovian fear conditioning in behaving rats
SB McHugh, A Marques‐Smith, J Li, JNP Rawlins, J Lowry, M Conway, ...
European journal of neuroscience 37 (3), 498-507, 2013
Studies of cortical connectivity using optical circuit mapping methods
PG Anastasiades, A Marques‐Smith, SJB Butt
The Journal of physiology 596 (2), 145-162, 2018
Non-canonical role for Lpar1-EGFP subplate neurons in early postnatal mouse somatosensory cortex
F Ghezzi, A Marques-Smith, PG Anastasiades, D Lyngholm, C Vagnoni, ...
Elife 10, e60810, 2021
In utero electroporation methods in the study of cerebral cortical development
I Martínez-Garay, F García-Moreno, N Vasistha, A Marques-Smith, ...
Prenatal and Postnatal Determinants of Development, 21-39, 2016
Reconstruction of in-vivo subthreshold activity of single neurons from large-scale spiking recordings
S Papaioannou, A Marques Smith, D Eriksson
bioRxiv, 673046, 2019
Shaping early networks to rule mature circuits: little MiRs go a long way
A Marques-Smith, E Favuzzi, B Rico
Neuron 92 (6), 1154-1157, 2016
Using optical stimulation to study the developing thalamocortical circuit in mouse somatosensory cortex
A Marques-Smith
D Phil thesis, University of Oxford Google Scholar, 2014
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