On the solutions of fourth order difference equations J Popenda, E Schmeidel The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 25 (4), 1485-1499, 1995 | 55 | 1995 |
Asymptotically periodic solutions of Volterra system of difference equations J Diblík, E Schmeidel, M Růžičková Computers & Mathematics with Applications 59 (8), 2854-2867, 2010 | 45* | 2010 |
On the existence of solutions of linear Volterra difference equations asymptotically equivalent to a given sequence J Diblík, E Schmeidel Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (18), 9310-9320, 2012 | 41 | 2012 |
On a class of fourth-order nonlinear difference equations M Migda, A Musielak, E Schmeidel Advances in Difference Equations 2004, 1-14, 2004 | 33 | 2004 |
Weighted asymptotically periodic solutions of linear Volterra difference equations J Diblík, M Růžičková, E Schmeidel, M Zbąszyniak Abstract and Applied Analysis 2011 (1), 370982, 2011 | 32 | 2011 |
Nonoscillatory solutions of third order difference equations J Popenda, E Schmeidel Portugaliae Mathematica 49 (2), 233-239, 1992 | 32 | 1992 |
Existence of asymptotically periodic solutions of system of Volterra difference equations J Diblík, E Schmeidel, M Růžičková Journal of difference equations and applications 15 (11-12), 1165-1177, 2009 | 30 | 2009 |
Oscillatory and asymptotically zero solutions of third order difference equations with quasidifferences E Schmeidel Opuscula Mathematica 26 (2), 361-369, 2006 | 28* | 2006 |
An application of Darbo’s fixed point theorem in the investigation of periodicity of solutions of difference equations E Schmeidel, Z Zbaszyniak Computers & Mathematics with Applications 64 (7), 2185-2191, 2012 | 25 | 2012 |
Oscillation and nonoscillation theorems for fourth order difference equations E Schmeidel The Rocky Mountain journal of mathematics, 1083-1094, 2003 | 24 | 2003 |
Some stability conditions for scalar Volterra difference equations L Berezansky, M Migda, E Schmeidel Opuscula Mathematica 36 (4), 459--470, 2016 | 21 | 2016 |
Asymptotic properties of fourth-order nonlinear difference equations M Migda, E Schmeidel Mathematical and computer modelling 39 (11-12), 1203-1211, 2004 | 21 | 2004 |
Oscillation of nonlinear three-dimensional difference systems with delays E Schmeidel Mathematica Bohemica 135 (2), 163-170, 2010 | 19 | 2010 |
Bounded solutions of nonlinear discrete equations J Diblík, M Migda, E Schmeidel Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 65 (4), 845-853, 2006 | 19 | 2006 |
Periodicity of solutions of nonhomogeneous linear difference equations K Janglajew, E Schmeidel Advances in Difference Equations 2012, 1-11, 2012 | 18 | 2012 |
On the asymptotic behavior of solutions of linear difference equations J Popenda, E Schmeidel Publicacions Matemàtiques, 3-9, 1994 | 18 | 1994 |
Boundedness of solutions of nonlinear three-dimensional difference systems with delays E Schmeidel Fasc. Math 44, 107-113, 2010 | 17 | 2010 |
Oscillatory and asymptotic behavior of certain difference equation E Schmeidel, B Szmanda Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 47 (7), 4731-4742, 2001 | 16 | 2001 |
On the solutions to a generalized fractional Cauchy problem B Lupinska, T Odzijewicz, E Schmeidel Appl. Anal. Discrete Math 10 (2), 332-344, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |
Existence of bounded solution of Volterra difference equations via Darbo's fixed-point theorem T Gronek, E Schmeidel Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 19 (10), 1645-1653, 2013 | 14 | 2013 |