jean yves  raty
jean yves raty
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First-principles computation of material properties: the ABINIT software project
X Gonze, JM Beuken, R Caracas, F Detraux, M Fuchs, GM Rignanese, ...
Computational Materials Science 25 (3), 478-492, 2002
A brief introduction to the ABINIT software package
X Gonze
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie-Crystalline Materials 220 (5-6), 558-562, 2005
Quantum confinement and fullerenelike surface reconstructions in nanodiamonds
JY Raty, G Galli, C Bostedt, TW Van Buuren, LJ Terminello
Physical review letters 90 (3), 037401, 2003
Growth of carbon nanotubes on metal nanoparticles: a microscopic mechanism from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations
JY Raty, F Gygi, G Galli
Physical review letters 95 (9), 096103, 2005
Incipient metals: functional materials with a unique bonding mechanism
M Wuttig, VL Deringer, X Gonze, C Bichara, JY Raty
Advanced Materials 30 (51), 1803777, 2018
Role of vacancies in metal–insulator transitions of crystalline phase-change materials
W Zhang, A Thiess, P Zalden, R Zeller, PH Dederichs, JY Raty, M Wuttig, ...
Nature materials 11 (11), 952-956, 2012
A quantummechanical map for bonding and properties in solids
JY Raty, M Schumacher, P Golub, VL Deringer, C Gatti, M Wuttig
Advanced Materials 31 (3), 1806280, 2019
Phase-change materials for non-volatile memory devices: from technological challenges to materials science issues
P Noé, C Vallée, F Hippert, F Fillot, JY Raty
Semiconductor Science and Technology 33 (1), 013002, 2017
Aging mechanisms in amorphous phase-change materials
JY Raty, W Zhang, J Luckas, C Chen, R Mazzarello, C Bichara, M Wuttig
Nature communications 6 (1), 7467, 2015
Ultradispersity of diamond at the nanoscale
JY Raty, G Galli
Nature materials 2 (12), 792-795, 2003
Electronic and structural transitions in dense liquid sodium
JY Raty, E Schwegler, SA Bonev
Nature 449 (7161), 448-451, 2007
Understanding the Structure and Properties of SesquiChalcogenides (i.e., V2VI3 or Pn2Ch3 (Pn = Pnictogen, Ch = Chalcogen) Compounds) from a Bonding …
Y Cheng, O CojocaruMirédin, J Keutgen, Y Yu, M Küpers, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (43), 1904316, 2019
Calculation of optical absorption spectra of hydrogenated Si clusters: Bethe-Salpeter equation versus time-dependent local-density approximation
LX Benedict, A Puzder, AJ Williamson, JC Grossman, G Galli, JE Klepeis, ...
Physical Review B 68 (8), 085310, 2003
Toward ultimate nonvolatile resistive memories: The mechanism behind ovonic threshold switching revealed
P Noé, A Verdy, F d’Acapito, JB Dory, M Bernard, G Navarro, JB Jager, ...
Science advances 6 (9), eaay2830, 2020
Metavalent bonding in crystalline solids: how does it collapse?
L Guarneri, S Jakobs, A von Hoegen, S Maier, M Xu, M Zhu, S Wahl, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (39), 2102356, 2021
Tetrahedral clustering in molten lithium under pressure
I Tamblyn, JY Raty, SA Bonev
Physical review letters 101 (7), 075703, 2008
Understanding amorphous phase-change materials from the viewpoint of Maxwell rigidity
M Micoulaut, JY Raty, C Otjacques, C Bichara
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (17), 174206, 2010
Evidence of a reentrant Peierls distortion in liquid GeTe
JY Raty, V Godlevsky, P Ghosez, C Bichara, JP Gaspard, JR Chelikowsky
Physical review letters 85 (9), 1950, 2000
Revisiting the nature of chemical bonding in chalcogenides to explain and design their properties
M Wuttig, CF Schön, J Lötfering, P Golub, C Gatti, JY Raty
Advanced Materials 35 (20), 2208485, 2023
Dynamical, dielectric, and elastic properties of GeTe investigated with first-principles density functional theory
R Shaltaf, E Durgun, JY Raty, P Ghosez, X Gonze
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (20), 205203, 2008
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