Gregoire Mercier
Gregoire Mercier
CTO at eXo maKina (ex-Professor at Telecom Bretagne-
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A new statistical similarity measure for change detection in multitemporal SAR images and its extension to multiscale change analysis
J Inglada, G Mercier
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 45 (5), 1432-1445, 2007
Support vector machines for hyperspectral image classification with spectral-based kernels
G Mercier, M Lennon
IGARSS 2003. 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2003
Conditional copulas for change detection in heterogeneous remote sensing images
G Mercier, G Moser, SB Serpico
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 46 (5), 1428-1441, 2008
Change detection in heterogenous remote sensing images via homogeneous pixel transformation
Z Liu, G Li, G Mercier, Y He, Q Pan
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 27 (4), 1822-1834, 2017
Characterization and inference of graph diffusion processes from observations of stationary signals
B Pasdeloup, V Gripon, G Mercier, D Pastor, MG Rabbat
IEEE transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks 4 (3 …, 2017
Compression of hyperspectral images using discerete wavelet transform and tucker decomposition
A Karami, M Yazdi, G Mercier
IEEE journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote …, 2012
Combination of sources of evidence with different discounting factors based on a new dissimilarity measure
Z Liu, J Dezert, Q Pan, G Mercier
Decision Support Systems 52 (1), 133-141, 2011
Credal c-means clustering method based on belief functions
Z Liu, Q Pan, J Dezert, G Mercier
Knowledge-based systems 74, 119-132, 2015
Independent component analysis as a tool for the dimensionality reduction and the representation of hyperspectral images
M Lennon, G Mercier, MC Mouchot, L Hubert-Moy
IGARSS 2001. Scanning the Present and Resolving the Future. Proceedings …, 2001
Inpainting strategies for reconstruction of missing data in VHR images
L Lorenzi, F Melgani, G Mercier
IEEE Geoscience and remote sensing letters 8 (5), 914-918, 2011
AIS-based evaluation of target detectors and SAR sensors characteristics for maritime surveillance
R Pelich, N Longépé, G Mercier, G Hajduch, R Garello
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2014
Mapping and characterization of hydrological dynamics in a coastal marsh using high temporal resolution Sentinel-1A images
C Cazals, S Rapinel, PL Frison, A Bonis, G Mercier, C Mallet, S Corgne, ...
Remote Sensing 8 (7), 570, 2016
A complete processing chain for shadow detection and reconstruction in VHR images
L Lorenzi, F Melgani, G Mercier
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 50 (9), 3440-3452, 2012
Partially supervised oil-slick detection by SAR imagery using kernel expansion
G Mercier, F Girard-Ardhuin
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 44 (10), 2839-2846, 2006
Operational oil-slick characterization by SAR imagery and synergistic data
F Girard-Ardhuin, G Mercier, F Collard, R Garello
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 30 (3), 487-495, 2005
A new incomplete pattern classification method based on evidential reasoning
ZG Liu, Q Pan, G Mercier, J Dezert
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 45 (4), 635-646, 2014
Credal classification rule for uncertain data based on belief functions
ZG Liu, Q Pan, J Dezert, G Mercier
Pattern Recognition 47 (7), 2532-2541, 2014
Oil slick detection by SAR imagery: potential and limitation
F Girard-Ardhuin, G Mercier, R Garello
Oceans 2003. Celebrating the Past... Teaming Toward the Future (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
Missing-area reconstruction in multispectral images under a compressive sensing perspective
L Lorenzi, F Melgani, G Mercier
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 51 (7), 3998-4008, 2013
Support vector reduction in SVM algorithm for abrupt change detection in remote sensing
T Habib, J Inglada, G Mercier, J Chanussot
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 6 (3), 606-610, 2009
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