Pavel Škrabánek
Pavel Škrabánek
Vysoké učení technické v Brně
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Weight initialization possibilities for feedforward neural network with linear saturated activation functions
P Dolezel, P Skrabanek, L Gago
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (25), 49-54, 2016
Hibernation temperature-dependent Pseudogymnoascus destructans infection intensity in Palearctic bats
N Martínková, J Pikula, J Zukal, V Kovacova, H Bandouchova, ...
Virulence 9 (1), 1734-1750, 2018
Numerous cold arousals and rare arousal cascades as a hibernation strategy in European Myotis bats
J Blažek, J Zukal, H Bandouchova, H Berková, V Kovacova, N Martínková, ...
Journal of thermal biology 82, 150-156, 2019
DeepGrapes: Precise detection of grapes in low-resolution images
P Śkrabánek
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (6), 185-189, 2018
Detection of grapes in natural environment using support vector machine classifier
P Škrabánek, TP Runarsson
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Soft Computing MENDEL …, 2015
Pattern recognition neural network as a tool for pest birds detection
P Dolezel, P Skrabanek, L Gago
2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 1-6, 2016
Algorithm 1017: fuzzyreg: an r package for fitting fuzzy regression models
P Škrabánek, N Martínková
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 47 (3), 1-18, 2021
Genome polarisation for detecting barriers to geneflow
SJE Baird, J Petružela, I Jaroň, P Škrabánek, N Martínková
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14 (2), 512-528, 2023
Robust grape detector based on SVMs and HOG features
P Škrabánek, P Doležel
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2017 (1), 3478602, 2017
Detection of grapes in natural environment using feedforward neural network as a classifier
P Dolezel, P Skrabanek, L Gago
2016 SAI Computing Conference (SAI), 1330-1334, 2016
Person detection for an orthogonally placed monocular camera
P Skrabanek, P Dolezel, Z Nemec, D Stursa
Journal of advanced transportation 2020 (1), 8843113, 2020
Evaluation of performance of grape berry detectors on real-life images
P Škrabánek, FF Majerık
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Soft Computing MENDEL …, 2016
Models used in fuzzy linear regression
P Škrabánek, J Marek
17th Conference on Applied Mathematics-APLIMAT 2018, 2018
Detection of grapes in natural environment using HOG features in low resolution images
P Škrabánek, F Majerík
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 870 (1), 012004, 2017
Centroid based person detection using pixelwise prediction of the position
P Dolezel, P Skrabanek, D Stursa, BB Zanon, HC Adrian, P Kryda
Journal of Computational Science 63, 101760, 2022
Automatic assessment of the cardiomyocyte development stages from confocal microscopy images using deep convolutional networks
P Škrabánek, A Zahradnikova Jr
Plos one 14 (5), e0216720, 2019
Modelling invasive pathogen load from non-destructive sampling data
N Martínková, P Škrabánek, J Pikula
Journal of Theoretical Biology 464, 98-103, 2019
Magnetic strips as landmarks for mobile robot navigation
P Škrabánek, P Vodička
2016 International Conference on Applied Electronics (AE), 227-232, 2016
Boscovich Fuzzy Regression Line
P Škrabánek, J Marek, A Pozdílková
Mathematics 9 (6), 685, 2021
On reporting performance of binary classifiers
P Škrabánek, P Doležel
Scientific papers of the University of Pardubice. Series D, Faculty of …, 2017
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Articles 1–20