Marcos Simplicio
Marcos Simplicio
其他姓名Marcos Antonio Simplicio Junior
在 larc.usp.br 的电子邮件经过验证
A quantitative analysis of current security concerns and solutions for cloud computing
N Gonzalez, C Miers, F Redigolo, M Simplicio, T Carvalho, M Näslund, ...
Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications 1, 1-18, 2012
A survey on key management mechanisms for distributed wireless sensor networks
MA Simplício Jr, PSLM Barreto, CB Margi, TCMB Carvalho
Computer networks 54 (15), 2591-2612, 2010
Mobile health in emerging countries: a survey of research initiatives in Brazil
LH Iwaya, MAL Gomes, MA Simplício, T Carvalho, CK Dominicini, ...
International journal of medical informatics 82 (5), 283-298, 2013
Privacy preserving authorisation in pervasive environments
M Naslund, TC Carvalho, C Dominicini, M Pourzandi, R Sakuragui, ...
US Patent 8,887,246, 2014
A family of implementation-friendly BN elliptic curves
GCCF Pereira, MA Simplício Jr, M Naehrig, PSLM Barreto
Journal of Systems and Software 84 (8), 1319-1326, 2011
Lightweight and escrow-less authenticated key agreement for the internet of things
MA Simplicio Jr, MVM Silva, RCA Alves, TKC Shibata
Computer Communications 98, 43-51, 2017
SecourHealth: a delay-tolerant security framework for mobile health data collection
MA Simplicio, LH Iwaya, BM Barros, TCMB Carvalho, M Näslund
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 19 (2), 761-772, 2014
One-time signature scheme from syndrome decoding over generic error-correcting codes
PSLM Barreto, R Misoczki, MA Simplicio Jr
Journal of Systems and Software 84 (2), 198-204, 2011
The unified butterfly effect: Efficient security credential management system for vehicular communications
MA Simplicio, EL Cominetti, HK Patil, JE Ricardini, MVM Silva
2018 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 1-8, 2018
Lyra2: Efficient password hashing with high security against time-memory trade-offs
ER Andrade, MA Simplicio, PSLM Barreto, PCF dos Santos
IEEE Transactions on Computers 65 (10), 3096-3108, 2016
Faster isogeny-based compressed key agreement
GHM Zanon, MA Simplicio, GCCF Pereira, J Doliskani, PSLM Barreto
Post-Quantum Cryptography: 9th International Conference, PQCrypto 2018, Fort …, 2018
Survey and comparison of message authentication solutions on wireless sensor networks
MA Simplicio Jr, BT De Oliveira, CB Margi, PSLM Barreto, ...
Ad Hoc Networks 11 (3), 1221-1236, 2013
A Family of Implementation-Friendly BN Elliptic Curves.
CCFP Geovandro, MA Simplício Jr, M Naehrig, PSLM Barreto
J. Syst. Softw. 84 (8), 1319-1326, 2011
The MARVIN message authentication code and the LETTERSOUP authenticated encryption scheme
MA Simplicio Jr, PAFFS Barbuda, PSLM Barreto, TCMB Carvalho, ...
Security and Communication Networks 2 (2), 165-180, 2009
ACPC: Efficient revocation of pseudonym certificates using activation codes
MA Simplicio Jr, EL Cominetti, HK Patil, JE Ricardini, MVM Silva
Ad Hoc Networks 90, 101708, 2019
Impact of operating systems on wireless sensor networks (security) applications and testbeds
CB Margi, MA Simplicio Jr, M Näslund, BT de Oliveira, PSLM Barreto, ...
2010 Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Computer Communications …, 2010
Privacy-preserving certificate linkage/revocation in VANETs without linkage authorities
MA Simplicio, EL Cominetti, HK Patil, JE Ricardini, LTD Ferraz, MVM Silva
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (6), 3326-3336, 2020
Faster key compression for isogeny-based cryptosystems
GHM Zanon, MA Simplicio, GCCF Pereira, J Doliskani, PSLM Barreto
IEEE Transactions on Computers 68 (5), 688-701, 2018
Comparison of authenticated-encryption schemes in wireless sensor networks
MA Simplicio, BT de Oliveira, PSLM Barreto, CB Margi, TCMB Carvalho, ...
2011 IEEE 36th Conference on Local Computer Networks, 450-457, 2011
Fast additive partially homomorphic encryption from the approximate common divisor problem
EL Cominetti, MA Simplicio
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 15, 2988-2998, 2020
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