Sergio Romaniuc Neto
Sergio Romaniuc Neto
Instituto de Botânica, Herbarium SP
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Cited by
Growing knowledge: an overview of seed plant diversity in Brazil
BFG-The Brazil Flora Group, DC Zappi, FLR Filardi, P Leitman, VC Souza, ...
Rodriguésia 66 (4), 1085-1113, 2015
Competitive biosorption of ortho-cresol, phenol, chlorophenol and chromium (VI) from aqueous solution by a bacterial biofilm supported on granular activated carbon
C Quintelas, E Sousa, F Silva, S Neto, T Tavares
Process Biochemistry 41 (9), 2087-2091, 2006
Useful Brazilian plants listed in the field books of the French naturalist Auguste de Saint-Hilaire (1779–1853)
MGL Brandão, M Pignal, S Romaniuc, CFF Grael, CW Fagg
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 143 (2), 488-500, 2012
Estudo fitossociológico de áreas de mata ciliar em Moji-Guaçu, SP, Brasil
W Mantovani, L Rossi, S Romaniuc Neto, IY Assad-Ludewigs, ...
Anais, 1989
Vegetação na serra do mar em Salesópolis, SP
W Mantovani, RR Rodrigues, L Rossi, S Romaniuc-Neto, ELM Catharino, ...
Nitrogen transformations in flowpaths leading from soils to streams in Amazon forest and pasture
J Chaves, C Neill, S Germer, S Gouveia Neto, AV Krusche, ...
Ecosystems 12, 961-972, 2009
Ficus (Moraceae) da Serra da Mantiqueira, Brasil
G Pelissari, S Romaniuc Neto
Rodriguésia 64, 91-111, 2013
Saint-Hilaire virtual herbarium, a new upgradeable tool to study Brazilian botany
M Pignal, S Romaniuc-Neto, S De Souza, S Chagnoux, DAL Canhos
Adansonia 35 (1), 7-18, 2012
Phylogeny of the Cecropieae (Urticaceae) and the evolution of an ant-plant mutualism
EL Treiber, AL Gaglioti, S Romaniuc-Neto, S Madriñán, GD Weiblen
Systematic Botany 41 (1), 56-66, 2016
An overview of the infrageneric nomenclature of Ficus (Moraceae)
LC Pederneiras, JPP Carauta, SR Neto, F Vidal de Mansano
Taxon 64 (3), 589-594, 2015
Florística de trepadeiras no Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga, São Paulo, SP, Brasil
BLP Villagra, SR Neto
Revista Brasileira de Biociências 8 (2), 2010
The role of biogeographical barriers and bridges in determining divergent lineages in Ficus (Moraceae)
LC Pederneiras, AL Gaglioti, S Romaniuc-Neto, VF Mansano
botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 187 (4), 594-613, 2018
Urticaceae Juss. do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga, São Paulo, SP, Brasil
S Romaniuc Neto, AL Gaglioti, BMO Guido
Hoehnea 36, 193-205, 2009
Índice das espécies de Moráceas do Brasil
JPP Carauta, S Romaniuc Neto, C Sastre
Albertoa 4 (7), 77-93, 1996
AL Gaglioti, S Romaniuc-Neto
Flora fanerogâmica do estado de São Paulo 7, 331-361, 2012
Fulfilling need for neurosurgical services in Sub-Saharan Africa: initial Angola-Brazil training experience
A Beer-Furlan, SG Neto, MJ Teixeira, EG Figueiredo
World neurosurgery 122, 29-32, 2019
S Romaniuc Neto, JPP Carauta, MDM Vianna Filho, RAS Pereira, ...
Lista de espécies da flora do Brasil. http://floradobrasil. jbrj. gov. br …, 2015
Cecropioideae (CC Berg) Romaniuc Neto stat. nov
S Romaniuc-Neto
Moraceae-Urticales). Albertoa, nova série 4, 13-16, 1999
Caracterização florística, fitossociológica e fenológica de trepadeiras de mata ciliar da Fazenda Campininha, Mogi Guaçu, SP, Brasil
S Romaniuc Neto, JV Godoi, BLP Villagra, RJ Almeida-Scabbia, ...
Hoehnea 39, 145-155, 2012
Molecular phylogenetics of Ficus section Pharmacosycea and the description of Ficus subsection Carautaea (Moraceae)
LC Pederneiras, S Romaniuc-Neto, V de Freitas Mansano
Systematic Botany 40 (2), 504-509, 2015
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Articles 1–20