Bastian Thiede
Bastian Thiede
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Cooling tower management in manufacturing companies: A cyber-physical system approach
C Schulze, S Thiede, B Thiede, D Kurle, S Blume, C Herrmann
Journal of cleaner production 211, 428-441, 2019
Enhancing learning experience in physical action-orientated learning factories using a virtually extended environment and serious gaming approaches
B Thiede, G Posselt, S Kauffeld, C Herrmann
Procedia Manufacturing 9, 238-244, 2017
Development of the transversal competencies in learning factories
P Raj, A Venugopal, B Thiede, C Herrmann, KS Sangwan
Procedia Manufacturing 45, 349-354, 2020
Mirrorlabs-creating accessible Digital Twins of robotic production environment with Mixed Reality
D Aschenbrenner, JSI Rieder, D Van Tol, J Van Dam, Z Rusak, JO Blech, ...
2020 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual …, 2020
Integrative simulation of information flows in manufacturing systems
S Thiede, F Marc-André, B Thiede, NL Martin, J Zietsch, C Herrmann
Procedia CIRP 81, 647-652, 2019
A Teaching Factory knowledge exchange network
H Bikas, PEC Johansson, R Di Falco, J Stavridis, E Niemi, Z Azpilgain, ...
Proceedings of the conference on learning factories (CLF), 2021
A mixed reality application for studying the improvement of HVAC systems in learning factories
M Czarski, YT Ng, M Vogt, M Juraschek, B Thiede, PS Tan, S Thiede, ...
Procedia Manufacturing 45, 373-378, 2020
Enhanced Processing and Testing Concepts for New Active Materials for Lithium‐Ion Batteries
K Bockwinkel, C Nowak, B Thiede, M Nöske, F Dietrich, S Thiede, ...
Energy Technology 8 (2), 1900133, 2020
Creating a hybrid multi-user learning experience by enhancing learning factories using interactive 3d-environments
B Thiede, N Mindt, M Mennenga, C Herrmann
Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Learning Factories (CLF 2022), 2022
Internet of Learning Factories to Support the Teaching & Learning Experience on Distributed Production Systems and Blockchain Networks
M Rolinck, R Kumar, B Thiede, F Cerdas, KS Sangwan, C Herrmann
Available at SSRN 3868778, 2021
FactoryBricks: a New Learning Platform for Smart Manufacturing Systems
G Lugaresi, A Loffredo, S Roy, N Robcis, VA De Carvalho, JF Niemeyer, ...
12th Conference on Learning Factories, CLF2022, 2022
Changeable Production Systems for Learning Factories and Research-based Learning
NL Martin, B Thiede, M Juraschek, MA Filz, C Herrmann
Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Learning Factories (CLF 2022), 2022
AR-unterstütztes Lernszenario in der Lernfabrik für energie-und ressourceneffiziente Produktion
F Höwing, SC Ayman, B Thiede
Abrufbar unter https://www. uni-potsdam. de/vrarl/downloads …, 2018
Deployment architecture for energy and resource efficient cyber physical systems
C Palasciano, B Thiede, M Taisch, C Herrmann
IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems …, 2017
Intelligente Lehr-Lernumgebung als innovatives, didaktisches Mittel in der Ingenieursausbildung im Themenfeld Energie-und Ressourceneffizienz in Produktionssystemen …
B Thiede, N Reining
Technische Universität Braunschweig, 2019
Lernen in einer neuen Dimension?-Eine Gegenüberstellung von AR-Anwendung und Tablet-App im fabriknahen Lernkontext
N Reining, F Höwing, B Thiede, C Herrmann, S Kauffeld
Vortrag Auf Der Frühjahrskonferenz Der Gesellschaft Für …, 2019
Evaluation neuer Lehr-Lern-Medien in einer Lernfabrik. Eine Usability-Studie zu App-und AR-Anwendungen
N Reining, LC Müller-Frommeyer, F Höwing, B Thiede, S Aymans, ...
Teaching Trends 2018. Die Präsenzhochschule und die digitale Transformation …, 2019
Automated evaluation of battery materials for more efficient and effective battery development
K Bockwinkel, B Thiede, F Dietrich, S Thiede, K Dröder, C Herrmann
31st International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition and International …, 2018
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Articles 1–18