Xiuhong TONG
Xiuhong TONG
Assistant Professor of Psychology, The Education University of Hong Kong
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Semantic and plausibility effects on preview benefit during eye fixations in Chinese reading
J Yang, S Wang, X Tong, K Rayner
Reading and Writing 25, 1031-1052, 2012
Copying skills in relation to word reading and writing in Chinese children with and without dyslexia
C McBride-Chang, KKH Chung, X Tong
Journal of experimental child psychology 110 (3), 422-433, 2011
Holistic versus analytic processing: Evidence for a different approach to processing of Chinese at the word and character levels in Chinese children
PD Liu, KKH Chung, C McBride-Chang, X Tong
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 107 (4), 466-478, 2010
Unpacking the relation between morphological awareness and Chinese word reading: Levels of morphological awareness and vocabulary
X Tong, X Tong, C McBride
Contemporary Educational Psychology 48, 167-178, 2017
A tale of two writing systems: Double dissociation and metalinguistic transfer between Chinese and English word reading among Hong Kong children
X Tong, X Tong, C McBride-Chang
Journal of learning disabilities 48 (2), 130-145, 2015
Discourse‐level reading comprehension in Chinese children: What is the role of syntactic awareness?
X Tong, X Tong, H Shu, S Chan, C McBride‐Chang
Journal of Research in Reading 37 (S1), S48-S70, 2014
Radical sensitivity is the key to understanding Chinese character acquisition in children
X Tong, X Tong, C McBride
Reading and Writing 30, 1251-1265, 2017
Visual statistical learning and orthographic awareness in Chinese children with and without developmental dyslexia
X Tong, WWS Leung, X Tong
Research in developmental disabilities 92, 103443, 2019
Reading comprehension difficulties in Chinese–English bilingual children
X Tong, C McBride, H Shu, CS Ho
Dyslexia 24 (1), 59-83, 2018
Beyond phonological and morphological processing: pure copying as a marker of dyslexia in Chinese but not poor reading of English
SC Kalindi, C McBride, X Tong, NLY Wong, KHK Chung, CY Lee
Annals of dyslexia 65, 53-68, 2015
A three‐year longitudinal study of reading and spelling difficulty in Chinese developmental dyslexia: The matter of morphological awareness
X Tong, C McBride, JCM Lo, H Shu
Dyslexia 23 (4), 372-386, 2017
Evidence for a deficit in orthographic structure processing in Chinese developmental dyslexia: An event-related potential study
KKH Chung, X Tong, C McBride-Chang
Brain research 1472, 20-31, 2012
The processing of morphological structure information in Chinese coordinative compounds: An event-related potential study
KKH Chung, X Tong, PD Liu, C McBride-Chang, X Meng
Brain research 1352, 157-166, 2010
A reciprocal relationship between syntactic awareness and reading comprehension
X Tong, C McBride
Learning and Individual Differences 57, 33-44, 2017
Tune in to the tone: Lexical tone identification is associated with vocabulary and word recognition abilities in young Chinese children
X Tong, X Tong, C McBride-Chang
Language and Speech 58 (4), 441-458, 2015
Delayed copying is uniquely related to dictation in bilingual Cantonese–English-speaking children in Hong Kong
JCM Lo, Y Ye, X Tong, C McBride, CS Ho, MMY Waye
Writing Systems Research 10 (1), 26-42, 2018
The role of foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong Chinese children's English and Chinese skills: A longitudinal study
KM Dulay, X Tong, C McBride
Language Learning 67 (2), 321-347, 2017
Reading comprehension mediates the relationship between syntactic awareness and writing composition in children: A longitudinal study
X Tong, C McBride
Journal of psycholinguistic research 45, 1265-1285, 2016
Physical activity and mental health in children and youth during COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis
B Li, K Ng, X Tong, X Zhou, J Ye, JJ Yu
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 17 (1), 92, 2023
Coarse and fine N1 tuning for print in younger and older Chinese children: Orthography, phonology, or semantics driven?
X Tong, JCM Lo, C McBride, CS Ho, MMY Waye, KKH Chung, SWL Wong, ...
Neuropsychologia 91, 109-119, 2016
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Articles 1–20