Neal Hurlburt
Neal Hurlburt
Lockheed Martin Advanced Tech Center
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The Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
JR Lemen, AM Title, DJ Akin, PF Boerner, C Chou, JF Drake, DW Duncan, ...
Solar Physics 275, 17-40, 2012
The transition region and coronal explorer
BN Handy, LW Acton, CC Kankelborg, CJ Wolfson, DJ Akin, ME Bruner, ...
Solar Physics 187, 229-260, 1999
The interface region imaging spectrograph (IRIS)
B De Pontieu, AM Title, JR Lemen, GD Kushner, DJ Akin, B Allard, ...
Solar Physics 289, 2733-2779, 2014
A new view of the solar outer atmosphere by the transition region and coronal explorer
CJ Schrijver, TE Berger, L Fletcher, NE Hurlburt, RW Nightingale, ...
Solar Physics 187 (2), 261-302, 1999
Turbulent compressible convection
F Cattaneo, NH Brummell, J Toomre, A Malagoli, NE Hurlburt
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 370, March 20, 1991, p …, 1991
Hot explosions in the cool atmosphere of the Sun
H Peter, H Tian, W Curdt, D Schmit, D Innes, B De Pontieu, J Lemen, ...
Science 346 (6207), 1255726, 2014
Prevalence of small-scale jets from the networks of the solar transition region and chromosphere
H Tian, EE DeLuca, SR Cranmer, B De Pontieu, H Peter, ...
Science 346 (6207), 1255711, 2014
Nonlinear compressible convection penetrating into stable layers and producing internal gravity waves
NE Hurlburt, J Toomre, JM Massaguer
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 311, Dec. 15, 1986, p …, 1986
Two-dimensional compressible convection extending over multiple scale heights
NE Hurlburt, J Toomre, JM Massaguer
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 282, July 15, 1984, p …, 1984
Quiescent prominence dynamics observed with the Hinode solar optical telescope. I. Turbulent upflow plumes
TE Berger, G Slater, N Hurlburt, R Shine, T Tarbell, BW Lites, TJ Okamoto, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 716 (2), 1288, 2010
Large-scale coronal heating by the small-scale magnetic field of the Sun
CJ Schrijver, KL Harvey, NR Sheeley, YM Wang, GHJ Van den Oord, ...
Nature 394 (6689), 152-154, 1998
Heliophysics Event Knowledgebase for the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and Beyond
N Hurlburt, M Cheung, C Schrijver, L Chang, S Freeland, S Green, ...
The solar dynamics observatory, 67-78, 2012
Evidence of nonthermal particles in coronal loops heated impulsively by nanoflares
P Testa, B De Pontieu, J Allred, M Carlsson, F Reale, A Daw, V Hansteen, ...
Science 346 (6207), 1255724, 2014
Turbulent compressible convection with rotation. I. Flow structure and evolution
NH Brummell, NE Hurlburt, J Toomre
The Astrophysical Journal 473 (1), 494, 1996
Penetration below a convective zone
NE Hurlburt, J Toomre, JM Massaguer, JP Zahn
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 421, no. 1, p. 245-260 …, 1994
Turbulent compressible convection with rotation. II. Mean flows and differential rotation
NH Brummell, NE Hurlburt, J Toomre
The Astrophysical Journal 493 (2), 955, 1998
Three-dimensional Stereoscopic Analysis of Solar Active Region Loops. II. SOHO/EIT Observations at Temperatures of 1.5-2.5 MK
MJ Aschwanden, D Alexander, N Hurlburt, JS Newmark, WM Neupert, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 531 (2), 1129, 2000
Development of structure in pores and sunspots: flows around axisymmetric magnetic flux tubes
NE Hurlburt, AM Rucklidge
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 314 (4), 793-806, 2000
Magnetic fields interacting with nonlinear compressible convection
NE Hurlburt, J Toomre
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 327, April 15, 1988, p …, 1988
High-resolution observations of the shock wave behavior for sunspot oscillations with the interface region imaging spectrograph
H Tian, E DeLuca, KK Reeves, S McKillop, B De Pontieu, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 786 (2), 137, 2014
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