Anjan Tula
Anjan Tula
Assistant Professor
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A computer-aided software-tool for sustainable process synthesis-intensification
AK Tula, DK Babi, J Bottlaender, MR Eden, R Gani
Computers & Chemical Engineering 105, 74-95, 2017
OptCAMD: An optimization-based framework and tool for molecular and mixture product design
Q Liu, L Zhang, L Liu, J Du, AK Tula, M Eden, R Gani
Computers & Chemical Engineering 124, 285-301, 2019
Process synthesis, design and analysis using a process-group contribution method
AK Tula, MR Eden, R Gani
Computers & Chemical Engineering 81, 245-259, 2015
Next generation pure component property estimation models: With and without machine learning techniques
AS Alshehri, AK Tula, F You, R Gani
AIChE Journal 68 (6), e17469, 2022
Solvent selection methodology for pharmaceutical processes: Solvent swap
E Papadakis, AK Tula, R Gani
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 115, 443-461, 2016
Computer-aided process intensification: Challenges, trends and opportunities
AK Tula, MR Eden, R Gani
AIChE J 66, e16819, 2019
Computational Pharmaceutical Solid‐State Chemistry: An Introduction
YA Abramov
Computational Pharmaceutical Solid State Chemistry, 1-13, 2016
Sustainable process design & analysis of hybrid separations
AK Tula, B Befort, N Garg, KV Camarda, R Gani
Computers & Chemical Engineering 105, 96-104, 2017
Energy and CO2 management for chemical and related industries: issues, opportunities and challenges
R Vooradi, SB Anne, AK Tula, MR Eden, R Gani
BMC Chemical Engineering 1, 1-17, 2019
A perspective on hazardous chemical substitution in consumer products
SR Syeda, EA Khan, O Padungwatanaroj, N Kuprasertwong, AK Tula
Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 36, 100748, 2022
Integrated design and control of reactive distillation processes using the driving force approach
A Iftakher, SS Mansouri, A Nahid, AK Tula, MAAS Choudhury, JH Lee, ...
AIChE Journal 67 (6), e17227, 2021
Hybrid method and associated tools for synthesis of sustainable process flowsheets
AK Tula, MR Eden, R Gani
Computers & Chemical Engineering 131, 106572, 2019
A reduced reaction mechanism for the simulation in ethylene flare combustion
HH Lou, CB Martin, D Chen, X Li, K Li, H Vaid, AT Kumar, KD Singh, ...
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 14, 229-239, 2012
ProCACD: A computer-aided versatile tool for process control
AK Tula, J Wang, X Chen, SS Mansouri, R Gani
Computers & Chemical Engineering 136, 106771, 2020
Validation of a reduced combustion mechanism for light hydrocarbons
HH Lou, D Chen, CB Martin, X Li, K Li, H Vaid, AT Kumar, KD Singh
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 14, 737-748, 2012
Process synthesis, design and analysis using process-group contribution method
AK Tula, MR Eden, R Gani
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 34, 453-458, 2014
A Platform of Machine Learning-Based Next-Generation Property Estimation Methods for CAMD
AS Alshehri, AK Tula, L Zhang, R Gani, F You
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 50, 227-233, 2021
A lane changing time point and path tracking framework for autonomous ground vehicle
J Fan, J Liang, AK Tula
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 16 (7), 860-874, 2022
Model-based design and analysis of glucose isomerization process operation
E Papadakis, S Pedersen, AK Tula, M Fedorova, JM Woodley, R Gani
Computers & Chemical Engineering 98, 128-142, 2017
Generalized Parameter Estimation Method for Model-Based Real‑Time Optimization
D Zhang, K Wang, Z Xu, AK Tula, Z Shao, Z Zhang, LT Biegler
Chemical Engineering Science 258, 117754, 2022
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Articles 1–20