Paul M. Herr
Paul M. Herr
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Effects of word-of-mouth and product-attribute information on persuasion: An accessibility-diagnosticity perspective
PM Herr, FR Kardes, J Kim
Journal of consumer research 17 (4), 454-462, 1991
On the consequences of priming: Assimilation and contrast effects
PM Herr, SJ Sherman, RH Fazio
Journal of experimental social psychology 19 (4), 323-340, 1983
Consequences of priming: Judgment and behavior.
PM Herr
Journal of personality and social psychology 51 (6), 1106, 1986
Toward a process model of the attitude–behavior relation: Accessing one's attitude upon mere observation of the attitude object.
RH Fazio, MC Powell, PM Herr
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 44 (4), 723, 1983
Priming price: Prior knowledge and context effects
PM Herr
Journal of consumer research 16 (1), 67-75, 1989
An investigation of the processes by which product design and brand strength interact to determine initial affect and quality judgments
C Page, PM Herr
Journal of consumer psychology 12 (2), 133-147, 2002
Impact of dominance and relatedness on brand extensions
PM Herr, PH Farquhar, RH Fazio
Journal of consumer psychology 5 (2), 135-159, 1996
Handbook of consumer psychology
CP Haugtvedt, PM Herr, FR Kardes
Routledge, 2018
I know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it
MC Campbell, A Kirmani
Handbook of Concumer Psychology, 549-574, 2008
Beauty and the beholder: Toward an integrative model of communication source effects
YS Kang, PM Herr
Journal of Consumer Research 33 (1), 123-130, 2006
Attitudinal balance and cause‐related marketing: An empirical application of balance theory
DZ Basil, PM Herr
Journal of Consumer Psychology 16 (4), 391-403, 2006
The feature-positive effect in the self-perception process: Does not doing matter as much as doing?
RH Fazio, SJ Sherman, PM Herr
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 42 (3), 404, 1982
The dual structure of brand associations
PH Farquhar, PM Herr
Brand equity & advertising, 263-277, 2013
Strategies for leveraging master brands.
PH Farquhar, JY Han, PM Herr, Y Ijiri
Marketing Research 4 (3), 1992
The role of prior knowledge and missing information in multiattribute evaluation
DM Sanbonmatsu, FR Kardes, PM Herr
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 51 (1), 76-91, 1992
Motivated search: Effects of choice accountability, issue involvement, and prior knowledge on information acquisition and use
H Lee, PM Herr, FR Kardes, C Kim
Journal of Business Research 45 (1), 75-88, 1999
A relational model for category extensions of brands.
PH Farquhar, PM Herr, RH Fazio
Advances in consumer research 17 (1), 1990
Dangerous Donations?: The Effects of Cause-Related Marketing On Charity Attitude
DZ Basil, PM Herr
Nonprofit and business sector collaboration, 59-76, 2013
Choice based on goals
SMJ Van Osselaer, S Ramanathan, MC Campbell, JB Cohen, JK Dale, ...
Marketing letters 16, 335-346, 2005
Attitude accessibility following a self-perception process.
RH Fazio, PM Herr, TJ Olney
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 47 (2), 277, 1984
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Articles 1–20