Cui Guo
Cui Guo
Ocean University of China
在 connect.ust.hk 的电子邮件经过验证
Dynamics of phytoplankton community structure in the South China Sea in response to the East Asian aerosol input
C Guo, J Yu, TY Ho, L Wang, S Song, L Kong, H Liu
Biogeosciences 9 (4), 1519-1536, 2012
Seasonal and spatial patterns of picophytoplankton growth, grazing and distribution in the East China Sea
C Guo, H Liu, L Zheng, S Song, B Chen, B Huang
Biogeosciences 11 (7), 1847-1862, 2014
High-performance semitransparent polymer solar cells floating on water: Rational analysis of power generation, water evaporation and algal growth
N Zhang, T Jiang, C Guo, L Qiao, Q Ji, L Yin, L Yu, P Murto, X Xu
Nano Energy 77, 105111, 2020
Phylogeography and pigment type diversity of Synechococcus cyanobacteria in surface waters of the northwestern pacific ocean
X Xia, F Partensky, L Garczarek, K Suzuki, C Guo, S Yan Cheung, H Liu
Environmental microbiology 19 (1), 142-158, 2017
Shifts in microbial community structure and activity in the ultra-oligotrophic eastern Mediterranean Sea driven by the deposition of Saharan dust and European aerosols
C Guo, X Xia, P Pitta, B Herut, E Rahav, I Berman-Frank, A Giannakourou, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 170, 2016
Differential feeding and growth of Noctiluca scintillans on monospecific and mixed diets
S Zhang, H Liu, C Guo, PJ Harrison
Marine Ecology Progress Series 549, 27-40, 2016
Diazotroph community structure in the deep oxygen minimum zone of the Costa Rica Dome
S Cheung, X Xia, C Guo, H Liu
Journal of plankton research 38 (2), 380-391, 2016
Characterization and Genome Analysis of a Novel Marine Alteromonas Phage P24
X Zhang, Y Liu, M Wang, M Wang, T Jiang, J Sun, C Gao, Y Jiang, C Guo, ...
Current Microbiology 77, 2813-2820, 2020
Effect of East Asian aerosol enrichment on microbial community composition in the South China Sea
C Guo, H Jing, L Kong, H Liu
Journal of plankton research 35 (3), 485-503, 2013
The bacterial abundance and production in the East China Sea: seasonal variations and relationships with the phytoplankton biomass and production
B Chen, B Huang, Y Xie, C Guo, S Song, H Li, H Liu
Acta Oceanologica Sinica 33 (9), 166-177, 2014
Genome Analysis of Two Novel Synechococcus Phages That Lack Common Auxiliary Metabolic Genes: Possible Reasons and Ecological Insights by Comparative …
T Jiang, C Guo, M Wang, M Wang, X Zhang, Y Liu, Y Liang, Y Jiang, H He, ...
Viruses 12 (8), 800, 2020
Role of microzooplankton grazing in regulating phytoplankton biomass and community structure in response to atmospheric aerosol input
C Guo, H Liu, J Yu, S Zhang, CJ Wu
Marine Ecology Progress Series 507, 69-79, 2014
Isolation and complete genome sequence of a novel cyanophage, S-B05, infecting an estuarine Synechococcus strain: insights into environmental adaptation
T Jiang, C Guo, M Wang, M Wang, S You, Y Liu, X Zhang, H Liu, Y Jiang, ...
Archives of Virology 165, 1397-1407, 2020
Genome Analysis of Two Novel Lytic Vibrio maritimus Phages Isolated from the Coastal Surface Seawater of Qingdao, China
Y Han, M Wang, Q Liu, Y Liu, Q Wang, X Duan, L Liu, Y Jiang, H Shao, ...
Current Microbiology 76, 1225-1233, 2019
Response of active picoeukaryotes to the deposition of Saharan dust and European aerosols in the eastern Mediterranean Sea
W Wu, C Guo, P Pitta, H Liu
Aquatic Microbial Ecology 82 (1), 31-42, 2018
Isolation and complete genome sequence of a novel cyanophage S-B68
L Huang, Q Liu, X Liu, Q Wang, Q Zhao, M Wang, H Shao, C Guo, Y Liang, ...
Current Microbiology 77, 2385-2390, 2020
Dust and polluted aerosol impacts on diazotrophy during a mesocosm experiment in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
E Rahav, B Herut, H Liu, C Guo, I Cheung, S Psarra, A Lagaria, A Tsiola, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 3553, 2014
Dynamics of Phytoplankton and Microbial Food Web in the South China Sea in Response to Aerosol Deposition
C Guo, X Huang, L Kong, J Yu, H Liu
2010 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Taipei (Taiwan), 22-25 Jun 2010, 2010
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