Raphaël Candelier
Raphaël Candelier
Chargé de recherches CNRS, Laboratoire Jean Perrin, Université Pierre et Marie Curie
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Interaction ruling animal collective behavior depends on topological rather than metric distance: Evidence from a field study
M Ballerini, N Cabibbo, R Candelier, A Cavagna, E Cisbani, I Giardina, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 105 (4), 1232-1237, 2008
Empirical investigation of starling flocks: a benchmark study in collective animal behaviour
M Ballerini, N Cabibbo, R Candelier, A Cavagna, E Cisbani, I Giardina, ...
Animal behaviour 76 (1), 201-215, 2008
Fast functional imaging of multiple brain regions in intact zebrafish larvae using selective plane illumination microscopy
T Panier, SA Romano, R Olive, T Pietri, G Sumbre, R Candelier, ...
Frontiers in neural circuits 7, 65, 2013
Spatiotemporal Hierarchy of Relaxation Events, Dynamical Heterogeneities,<? format?> and Structural Reorganization in a Supercooled Liquid
R Candelier, A Widmer-Cooper, JK Kummerfeld, O Dauchot, G Biroli, ...
Physical review letters 105 (13), 135702, 2010
Building blocks of dynamical heterogeneities in dense granular media
R Candelier, O Dauchot, G Biroli
Physical review letters 102 (8), 088001, 2009
Whole-brain functional imaging with two-photon light-sheet microscopy
S Wolf, W Supatto, G Debrégeas, P Mahou, SG Kruglik, JM Sintes, ...
Nature methods 12 (5), 379-380, 2015
Creep motion of an intruder within a granular glass close to jamming
R Candelier, O Dauchot
Physical review letters 103 (12), 128001, 2009
Sensorimotor computation underlying phototaxis in zebrafish
S Wolf, AM Dubreuil, T Bertoni, UL Böhm, V Bormuth, R Candelier, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 651, 2017
Journey of an intruder through the fluidization and jamming transitions of a dense granular media
R Candelier, O Dauchot
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81 (1 …, 2010
Texture-induced modulations of friction force: the fingerprint effect
E Wandersman, R Candelier, G Debrégeas, A Prevost
Physical review letters 107 (16), 164301, 2011
Whole-brain calcium imaging during physiological vestibular stimulation in larval zebrafish
G Migault, TL van der Plas, H Trentesaux, T Panier, R Candelier, ...
Current Biology 28 (23), 3723-3735. e6, 2018
A microfluidic device to study neuronal and motor responses to acute chemical stimuli in zebrafish
R Candelier, M Sriti Murmu, S Alejo Romano, A Jouary, G Debrégeas, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 12196, 2015
Rheotaxis of larval zebrafish: behavioral study of a multi-sensory process
R Olive, S Wolf, A Dubreuil, V Bormuth, G Debrégeas, R Candelier
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 10, 14, 2016
A 2D virtual reality system for visual goal-driven navigation in zebrafish larvae
A Jouary, M Haudrechy, R Candelier, G Sumbre
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 34015, 2016
Dynamical facilitation decreases when approaching the granular glass transition
R Candelier, O Dauchot, G Biroli
Europhysics Letters 92 (2), 24003, 2010
Super-diffusion around the rigidity transition: Lévy and the Lilliputians
F Lechenault, R Candelier, O Dauchot, JP Bouchaud, G Biroli
Soft Matter 6 (13), 3059-3064, 2010
FastTrack: an open-source software for tracking varying numbers of deformable objects
B Gallois, R Candelier
PLoS computational biology 17 (2), e1008697, 2021
From behavior to circuit modeling of light-seeking navigation in zebrafish larvae
S Karpenko, S Wolf, J Lafaye, G Le Goc, T Panier, V Bormuth, ...
Elife 9, e52882, 2020
Fast functional imaging of multiple brain regions in intact zebrafish larvae using Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy
R Candelier, T Panier, S Romano, R Olive, T Pietri, G Sumbre, ...
BMC Neuroscience 14, 1-2, 2013
Evolutionary divergence of locomotion in two related vertebrate species
G Rajan, J Lafaye, G Faini, M Carbo-Tano, K Duroure, D Tanese, T Panier, ...
Cell Reports 38 (13), 2022
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