Simone Moran
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Cited by
Strategic self-presentation on Facebook: Personal motives and audience response to online behavior
L Bareket-Bojmel, S Moran, G Shahar
Computers in Human Behavior 55, 788-795, 2016
When better is worse: Envy and the use of deception
S Moran, ME Schweitzer
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 1 (1), 3-29, 2008
Overcoming focusing failures in competitive environments
LC Idson, D Chugh, Y Bereby‐Meyer, S Moran, B Grosskopf, M Bazerman
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 17 (3), 159-172, 2004
When performance goals deter performance: Transfer of skills in integrative negotiations
Y Bereby-Meyer, S Moran, E Unger-Aviram
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 93 (2), 142-154, 2004
Initial perceptions in negotiations: evaluation and response to ‘logrolling’offers
S Moran, I Ritov
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 15 (2), 101-124, 2002
Experience in integrative negotiations: What needs to be learned?
S Moran, I Ritov
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43 (1), 77-90, 2007
Effects of optimism on creativity under approach and avoidance motivation
T Icekson, M Roskes, S Moran
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 105, 2014
Stretching the effectiveness of analogical training in negotiations: Teaching diverse principles for creating value
S Moran, Y Bereby‐Meyer, M Bazerman
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 1 (2), 99-134, 2008
The influence of ease of retrieval on judgment as a function of attention to subjective experience
S Danziger, S Moran, V Rafaely
Journal of Consumer Psychology 16 (2), 191-195, 2006
Using context effects to increase a leader's advantage: What set of alternatives should be included in the comparison set?
S Moran, J Meyer
International Journal of Research in Marketing 23 (2), 141-154, 2006
Envy and help giving
R Montal-Rosenberg, S Moran
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 122 (2), 222-243, 2022
Overcoming initial anchors: The effect of negotiators’ dispositional control beliefs
S Shalvi, S Moran, I Ritov
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 3 (3), 232-248, 2010
Family still matters: Human social motivation across 42 countries during a global pandemic
CM Pick, A Ko, AS Wormley, A Wiezel, DT Kenrick, L Al-Shawaf, O Barry, ...
Evolution and human behavior 43 (6), 527-535, 2022
Missed opportunity for creating value in negotiations: reluctance to making integrative gambit offers
I Ritov, S Moran
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 21 (4), 337-351, 2008
When negotiators with honest reputations are less (and more) likely to be deceived
I SimanTov-Nachlieli, L Har-Vardi, S Moran
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 157, 68-84, 2020
Fundamental social motives measured across forty-two cultures in two waves
CM Pick, A Ko, DT Kenrick, A Wiezel, AS Wormley, E Awad, L Al-Shawaf, ...
Scientific data 9 (1), 499, 2022
Dishonest helping and harming after (un) fair treatment.
M Leib, S Moran, S Shalvi
Judgment & Decision Making 14 (4), 2019
The Effects of Achievement Motivational Goals and of Debriefing on the Transfer of Skills in Integrative Negotiations
Y Bereby‐Meyer, S Moran, L Sattler
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 3 (1), 64-86, 2010
Getting more out of analogical training in negotiations: Learning core principles for creating value
S Moran, Y Bereby-Meyer, MH Bazerman
Valence framings in negotiations
S Moran, I Ritov
Perspectives on framing, 239-254, 2011
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Articles 1–20