Impact of climate change on forests in India NH Ravindranath, NV Joshi, R Sukumar, A Saxena Current science, 354-361, 2006 | 299 | 2006 |
Entrance channel effects in the fusion-fission time scales from studies of prescission neutron multiplicities A Saxena, A Chatterjee, RK Choudhury, SS Kapoor, DM Nadkarni Physical Review C 49 (2), 932, 1994 | 187 | 1994 |
The reliable and rapid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnosis for Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae in pomegranate P Shukla, G Verma, R Kumar, D Singh, A Kumar, AK Saxena, RK Jain African Journal of Microbiology Research 6 (30), 5950-5956, 2012 | 45 | 2012 |
Control of photon beam dose profiles by localized transverse magnetic fields L Reiffel, A Li, J Chu, RW Wheatley, S Naqvi, R Pillsbury, A Saxena Physics in Medicine & Biology 45 (12), N177, 2000 | 38 | 2000 |
Emergence of educators for Industry 5.0: An Indological perspective A Saxena, D Pant, A Saxena, C Patel Int. J. Innov. Technol. Explor. Eng 9 (12), 359-363, 2020 | 33 | 2020 |
Evaluation of crack tip parameters for characterizing crack growth behavior in creeping materials A Saxena, J Han ASTM Task Group Report E 24 (07), E24, 1986 | 29 | 1986 |
Non‐shallow levels and the conduction band structure of Ga1−xAlxAs AK Saxena physica status solidi (b) 96 (2), K77-K82, 1979 | 24 | 1979 |
Effects of prefission neutron emission on the fission fragment angular distributions in heavy-ion-induced fission A Saxena, S Kailas, A Karnik, SS Kapoor Physical Review C 47 (1), 403, 1993 | 22 | 1993 |
Particle multiplicities in the fission-like reactions of 340 MeV 28Si on 232Th A Saxena, D Fabris, G Prete, DV Shetty, G Viesti, BK Nayak, DC Biswas, ... Nuclear Physics A 730 (3-4), 299-315, 2004 | 21 | 2004 |
Emergence of futuristic HRM in perspective of human-cobot’s collaborative functionality A Saxena, A Saxena, R Sharma, M Parashar International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 10 (5), 292-296, 2021 | 14 | 2021 |
Capacitance Scaling Based Low Power Comparator Design on 28nm FPGA A Saxena, S Gaidhani, A Pant, C Patel International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)–Volume X …, 2015 | 13 | 2015 |
Leakage power reduction with various IO standards and dynamic voltage scaling in vedic multiplier on virtex-6 FPGA B Pandey, MA Rehman, A Saxena, B Das Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (25), 2016 | 12 | 2016 |
HSTL IO Standards Based Processor Specific Green Counter Design on 90nm FPGAAbhay Saxena A Saxena, AK Bhatt, B Pandey, P Tripathi, G Dutt International Journal of Control and Automation 9 (7), 331-342, 2016 | 12 | 2016 |
Influence of different heat treatment parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of C–Mn strapping quality steels SN Prasad, A Saxena, MMS Sodhi, PN Tripathi Materials science and engineering: A 476 (1-2), 126-131, 2008 | 12 | 2008 |
Prolapsed leiomyoma with severe haemorrhage after GnRH analogue therapy A Kriplani, N Agarwal, D Parul, N Bhatla, AK Saxena Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 22 (4), 449-451, 2002 | 12 | 2002 |
Allelopathy in agroecosystems A Saxena, DV Singh, NL Joshi Field Crop Abstracts 49 (10), 891-899, 1996 | 12 | 1996 |
High performance FIFO design for processor through voltage scaling technique A Saxena, A Bhatt, P Gautam, P Verma, C Patel Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (45), 1-5, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
The use of magnetic fields to improve photon dose distributions for radiation therapy-a possible approach to" poor man's proton" beam properties JCH Chu, L Reiffel, S Naqvi, XA Li, SJ Ye, A Saxena Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE …, 2000 | 10 | 2000 |
Physico-chemical characteristics of underground minewaters and X-ray analysis of corrosion products.[India] NS Rawat, AK Saxena, G Singh, AK Sundriyal J. Mines, Met. Fuels;(India) 29 (5), 1981 | 10 | 1981 |
SSTL Based Energy Efficient FIFO Design for High Performance Processor of Portable Devices A Saxena, SK Sharma, P Agarwal, C Patel International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Vol 9, 2017 | 9 | 2017 |